New Ozone Therapy Products Now Available.
My favorite show growing up was the 80s show MacGyver. I felt from a young age that if everyone could just have MacGyvers’ gift for solving problems, all world problems would cease to exist. Well, I grew up always thinking ‘what would MacGyver do’ when facing any challenge, and guess what? I developed a ‘knack’ for solving problems in my life that has served me and my family well.
So we’re adding an ozone sauna tent and a pump action ozone bidet to our offering once again. I quit offering these products at the beginning of the so called pandemic because of supply side issues. The tents went from costing $100 to over $200 in many cases. You can still find vendors selling them for $250 or more. But the price has come back down to $120 or so (when you add tax and shipping) . That will be our price. But this is an ‘add on’ product only, not sold alone! If you buy our 10g water ozonator, you can add this to your purchase. The ozone bidet on the other had wasn’t available during the onset of the pandemic. Too much demand caused the price to quadruple, so I just quit selling it. We’ll offer that as well as an ‘add-on” for $20. It allows you to pump ozonated water into hole #1 or #2 if you’re a woman, or one of those what-cha-ma-call-m’s. 😉 Joking aside, if you ever have irritable bowels, constipation, the runs, or are detoxing, cleaning your rectum out with highly ozonated water is a true god-send.
The type of ‘ozone therapy’ that one can receive from a simple steam sauna tent, our 10g medical grade ozone generator, and an oxygen concentrator is game changing! Just place the steam sauna outside so that the small amount of ozone that leaks out near the neck opening can be whisked away by a breeze or small nearby fan. If you were forced to take a vaccine, or you didn’t take one and you want to prevent from getting too sick from any cold or flu bug you might catch here on out, then this is something you’ll want to own.
We can’t do anything about the madness coming from the outside world. We can however find solutions to counter the challenges we face. Ozone therapy is one of those solutions that must remain below the radar (lest it be shut down) and that wise people will add to their ‘wellness toolkit’ while they still have a chance.
PS. If you decide to buy our 10g ozone generator with oxygen concentrator and this tent and want to start a local business offering ozone therapy, give me a call. (619-361-5195: Mike) I’d love to supply you with the tent and bidet at cost along with giving your new business a jumpstart by linking to your website! (Via an ‘ozone therapy’ section in our menu) We get hundreds sometimes thousands a visitors a day, all organic (how we keep our cost of goods down) I’m sure our customers in your area would love to support your business!
With so many health professionals quitting over vaccine mandates, wouldn’t that be something if we could establish thousands of ozone therapy spas around the world to help put an end to the …… well. You know.