Ask. And ye shall receive. We asked the universe to find a stainless steel case for our awesome next-gen 15g quartz tube ozone modules and VIOLA! A factory reached out to us and made us a deal we couldn’t refuse and the rest is history.
Nothing says ‘Forever’ with an ozone generator like stainless steel. Most ozone generators sold on Amazon are painted steel. And in China, the paint used on ozone generators contains lead. (don’t take my word for it, take a chip off any ozone generator sold an Amazon and test the paint for lead.) Adding lead to the pain does make the paint more ozone resistant by the way. The reason they use leaded paint. Back to my point about the case for most ozone generators. When the pain chips off, the exposed steel quickly rusts, and worse of all, the screws (often non stainless steel) rust and are impossible to remove. I learned this 12 years ago which prompted me to create Forever Ozone and our original ‘bare bones’ ozone generators. Over half of the Chinese made ozone generators I sold 12 years ago quit working within a year when used regularly. Why? The ozone was rusting the thin pieces of copper in the wire harnesses, timers and sometimes the on-off switch. Worse of all, when I’d get the unit back to investigate what was going on, I wouldn’t be able to remove the case because all of the screws had become rusted and fused with the now rusted steel case. What a disaster! And very frustrating I recall. I had to destroy the case to get inside. Once inside, I discovered the transformer was fine. Virtually none of the transformers would crap out. Sometimes the plate would crap out before the transformer in high humidity areas, but usually it was the ozone had destroyed the wire harness, timer, or on off switch, causing the unit to fail to fire up.
They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and that was certainly the case here. I went on to design a bare bones unit that shipped in a flat rate USPS box (to save money on shipping) and the rest was history.
Fast forward to 2021. We’ve now ditched the ozone plate ozone modules for a ‘forever’ module that features a quartz (glass) ozone tube with stainless steel mesh. We have two. A 10g/h model and a 15g/h model. The 10g/h model fits inside of a 5″x5″ PVC enclosure but the 15g/h module is too big. Won’t fit. So we had to find a larger case. We couldn’t find one, but one found us! Now all that was left was the design. We designed this unit commercial unit without an exposed copper wire junction box (connects the power cord to the timer, transformer) and without an internal timer. The on-off switch is self contained and doesn’t have any parts that the ozone can destroy. Thus, we can offer a lifetime warranty with this commercial unit.
This unit comes standard with an external 30 minute interval timer. You can also opt to upgrade the timer to a repeat cycle timer, cell phone app smart plug, or wireless on-off outlet for $8 more.
If you operate an ozone business. Forget having to send your ozone generators in every year for an expensive service, or having to replace your machines every few years! If the transformer or stainless steel quartz tube module ever fails, just send it in for a free replacement! They’re easy to switch out. We design our units with the ‘keep it simple’ axiom in mind, so there’s only two wires that need to be cut and spliced to replace the ozone module. This saves both of us on shipping costs.
We will have a limited supply of these units in stock until November (4 per week). After that, we’ll keep 40-80 in stock at all times.
Thanks for looking, and if you have any questions, give Mike a call at 619-361-5195. Thanks for considering Forever Ozone, God Bless, and take care.
P.S. Yes, we ship this ozone generator to California!