Category: News

Out of Stock Items – Update. Back in Stock 7-22

Out of Stock Items – Update. Back in Stock 7-22

Our 10g Quartz Tubes Are Back in Stock as of July 22.

All backorders and orders placed this weekend will get a free upgrade to 2 Day USPS shipping and arrive Wed-Thurs of next week.

We sometimes get larger orders for our ‘bare bones’ units, the quartz tube ‘guts’ to our ozone machine (We’re the only ones that have these) that wipe us out of inventory to make machines we sell direct to the consumer. But the good news is that we get the electronic part we need to make our units monthly. Our next shipment is en route and should arrive by the last week of June.

As always. Thanks for your continued support and may God bless you and yours. Mike

Buy Now Pay Later 0% Interest Now Available via Affirm

Buy Now Pay Later 0% Interest Now Available via Affirm

Purchases over $400 now qualify for a 0% buy now pay later deal via Affirm. The way this works is they stretch your payment our for 3-6 months at zero % interest or 12 months at a low-interest rate. Checking to see if you qualify won’t ding your FICO score. I’ve heard that if you have under 30% credit card utilization, you’ll probably qualify.

This helps those looking to purchase our more expensive ozone therapy packages and contractors who buy thousands of dollars of equipment at one time. Can’t beat 0% Interest!

New Product: 15,000 MGH Medical Grade Ozonator.

New Product: 15,000 MGH Medical Grade Ozonator.

The Forever Ozone 15g Medical Ozonator is the highest-end medical-grade ozonator on the market. The reason the price isn’t in the thousands of dollars is that you’re buying factory-direct. It should be used with an oxygen concentrator. We sell a good one for $399.

This new unit features the latest quartz tube technology and the ‘bells and whistles’ found in more expensive units. A voltage and flow meter as well as an optional air pump with an on-off switch. We also have something you won’t get elsewhere. US made glass bubblers that feature a lifetime warranty and US-made food-grade silicone tubing. The cheap stuff coming from you know where breaks down quickly and adds impurities to the water or oil, defeating the purpose of ozone in the first place. Breaking down and removing harmful substances.

We include 10 feet of US Food Grade silicone tubing and two silica (white) glass bubblers also made in the USA, 100% ozone resistant (unlike fish aquarium bubblers that add impurities to the water because the ozone breaks them down). These bubblers have a lifetime warranty and will not break down over time or add impurities to the water. You see we actually care about your health, not just making money. The main difference between us and Amazon, etc.

Shipping takes 2-4 days and is included in the $649.99 price. We’re not Amazon or eBay so you won’t have to pay tax either. (We don’t do enough sales nationwide, which is a good thing for you. Saves you 7-10%)

15g medical grade ozonator
15g medical grade ozonator
New Ozone Insufflation Products

New Ozone Insufflation Products

We now stock all of the different bag and parts needed for ozone Insufflations. We’ve been selling a kit for a while but decided to sell the machine ‘stand alone’ as well as the products.

Being able to treat yourself with ozone therapy will is a godsend. Due to our litigious society. And the high cost of medical insurance. Ozone therapy costs more (for one visit) than buying the equipment and doing it yourself. We do recommend paying a visit however to an ozone doctor to learn how to do insufflations under their watch and care. Once you get the hang of it. It’s simple. We will also provide our customers with videos and free consultations on how to best use the equipment they purchase.

You’ll find our new products by moving your mouse over “Products” then choosing the ‘Medical Ozone Therapy Products” drop down menu and choosing from among the different products, from the stand alone Ozone insufflation machine to the large ozone limb bag. We have several different types of insufflation machines on order and so check back often to view our offerings.

10g Quartz Tube Ozone Ballast/Tube ‘Bare Bones’ Ozone Generator Now Available.

10g Quartz Tube Ozone Ballast/Tube ‘Bare Bones’ Ozone Generator Now Available.

We know times are tough for many. (And getting tougher.) We also know we have the best ozone generator elements in the world. The same technology Nikola Tesla invented 100 plus years ago. Stainless steel mesh around a quartz tube and dielectric high voltage. This method of producing ozone is superior to the Chinese invented ceramic plate technology due to heat and humidity considerations. You see at 90% humidity. Ozone plate technology is reduced by 90%! It’s not reduced with our technology. (Or the more expensive UV technology that only produces low amounts of ozone).

Heat and humidity destroy ozone. Since ozone is most often used in areas with heat and humidity, choosing this type of ozone producing element is a no brainer.

Chinese made ozone generators featuring ozone plates are designed to fail fairly quickly. When it does. Rather than throw it away. Consider replacing your old transformer and ozone plate with this set-up. All it needs is a fan to feed this ozone element air to produce ozone. Some clever permaculture enthusiasts have found a way to cap both ends of the quartz tube and pressurize the inside part with air to create ozone they can bubble into water. But even if you do that. You’ll need a fan to cool both the tube and the transformer.

This 10g bare bones ozone generator sells for $60 delivered. We also offer volume discounts as follow:

2 for $110

3 for $160

4 for $210.

If you call in your order, we will ship USPS 2 day Priority mail. Otherwise. We ship USPS Parcel Post which takes around 4-6 days to deliver. If you have any questions. Just call us troll free 9-5 Central time at 888-989-8764. Thanks for your continued and have a Blessed Day!

2 Day Expedited Shipping. A $15 value. Now Free with Phone Orders*!

2 Day Expedited Shipping. A $15 value. Now Free with Phone Orders*!

Great! But what’s the asterisk all about? The caveat is that it’s free if you pay with a debit card (Visa or MasterCard.)

In the past 10 years. The banks have gotten us for over $60,000 in processing fees. I recently discovered CardX. A credit card processor that only charges 1% to process debit cards. It also passes the processing fee (around 3%) onto the customer in the form of a fee if they use a Credit Card and thus passes that fee onto the customer rather than the vendor. Many government and ticket selling agencies use their service. And many websites trying to lower their operating costs are jumping onboard. We’re not going to use them for Internet sales, but we will use them moving forward on all phone orders. The choice to use a Debit or Credit card will be left up to our customers. Either way. Call in your order and you’ll get a free upgrade to same day shipping via 2 day USPS Priority mail. I see this as a win-win for both us and the customer. And a big L for the bankers who have been fleecing us for years.

Why Forever Ozone is the best deal for an ozone generator.

Why Forever Ozone is the best deal for an ozone generator.

Why should you think twice before buying your ozone generator from Amazon or another vendor? Amazon and other vendors sells ceramic plate air ozone generators that are inferior to cold corona glass quartz tube air ozone technology we sell. Ceramic plate ozone generators run hot, and heat destroys ozone. Ceramic plate technology also suffers with humidity. The ozone output is reduced by the percentage of humidity. 50% reduces ozone production by 50%. 70% humidity levels means a 70% ozone production reduction. Every time. Guaranteed! That’s just the nature of the beast, and this is well known in the industry. Not so with UV or quartz tube technology however! Have you ever tried to price UV ozone generators? Jaw hit the floor however when you seen the prices? A 20g UV ozone generator cost over $2000! The reason we don’t charge that much is that our cost of goods is very low due to the fact we don’t have to advertise our products. We are the inventors and we have our electronic parts built to our specs meaning our products are built to last! That’s why we can offer a lifetime warranty. Another major difference between our products and Amazons. Their products seem to be built to crap out the minute the warranty expires. And ever try to cash in on one of their warranties? It’s a nightmare, and you end up paying shipping which sometimes is more than the product itself.

We’ve been in business over 10 years and have over 30,000 past customers. Amazon will never be able to offer the superior products we sell or provide the type of customer service we provide. Try to get an Amazon vendor to answer your ozone related questions! They’re just in it to make a quick buck. They don’t care about ozone. We do! So. To sum up. Enjoy the lower prices while they last. Gas prices will continue to rise, and that will cause everything to go up in cost over the coming year. Including ozone generators. And if things proceed as I see them progressing on the world stage? Then the entire supply chain will be disrupted and live as we knew it will have to change. So now is the time to get those things you’ll need to be your own doctor in the future.

Thanks again for your lasting support. God Bless! Mike

New Ozone Therapy Products Now Available.

New Ozone Therapy Products Now Available.

My favorite show growing up was the 80s show MacGyver. I felt from a young age that if everyone could just have MacGyvers’ gift for solving problems, all world problems would cease to exist. Well, I grew up always thinking ‘what would MacGyver do’ when facing any challenge, and guess what? I developed a ‘knack’ for solving problems in my life that has served me and my family well.

So we’re adding an ozone sauna tent and a pump action ozone bidet to our offering once again. I quit offering these products at the beginning of the so called pandemic because of supply side issues. The tents went from costing $100 to over $200 in many cases. You can still find vendors selling them for $250 or more. But the price has come back down to $120 or so (when you add tax and shipping) . That will be our price. But this is an ‘add on’ product only, not sold alone! If you buy our 10g water ozonator, you can add this to your purchase. The ozone bidet on the other had wasn’t available during the onset of the pandemic. Too much demand caused the price to quadruple, so I just quit selling it. We’ll offer that as well as an ‘add-on” for $20. It allows you to pump ozonated water into hole #1 or #2 if you’re a woman, or one of those what-cha-ma-call-m’s. 😉 Joking aside, if you ever have irritable bowels, constipation, the runs, or are detoxing, cleaning your rectum out with highly ozonated water is a true god-send.

The type of ‘ozone therapy’ that one can receive from a simple steam sauna tent, our 10g medical grade ozone generator, and an oxygen concentrator is game changing! Just place the steam sauna outside so that the small amount of ozone that leaks out near the neck opening can be whisked away by a breeze or small nearby fan. If you were forced to take a vaccine, or you didn’t take one and you want to prevent from getting too sick from any cold or flu bug you might catch here on out, then this is something you’ll want to own.

We can’t do anything about the madness coming from the outside world. We can however find solutions to counter the challenges we face. Ozone therapy is one of those solutions that must remain below the radar (lest it be shut down) and that wise people will add to their ‘wellness toolkit’ while they still have a chance.

PS. If you decide to buy our 10g ozone generator with oxygen concentrator and this tent and want to start a local business offering ozone therapy, give me a call. (619-361-5195: Mike) I’d love to supply you with the tent and bidet at cost along with giving your new business a jumpstart by linking to your website! (Via an ‘ozone therapy’ section in our menu) We get hundreds sometimes thousands a visitors a day, all organic (how we keep our cost of goods down) I’m sure our customers in your area would love to support your business!

With so many health professionals quitting over vaccine mandates, wouldn’t that be something if we could establish thousands of ozone therapy spas around the world to help put an end to the …… well. You know.

Steam Sauna. Can also be used for Ozone Sauna”
Ozone Bidet

Operation Global Reset: 1.1. Nano Graphene Oxide in Vaccines, Masks.

Operation Global Reset: 1.1. Nano Graphene Oxide in Vaccines, Masks.

Top Secret. Not for General Release.

November 11, 2019.

As you have probably heard, we have been given a mandate by (redacted) to reduce the population on Earth 90% by 2030 in order to prevent mass extinction from a now well understood cyclical event known as a (redacted) from ever taking place. After years of careful collaboration with both science and medical experts, we have determined that the most humane and efficient way to accomplish this mandate is via a worldwide (redacted). This will force anti globalist Nationalists leaders to cede power, via emergency power declarations, at which time we will take control of all power apparatus in every country of the world. We will then be able to easily proliferate our agenda over the next ten years, with little or no resistance.

Based on years of research and numerous Ai run computer simulations, we have determined that the best path forward, with the least resistance, requires that we fully incorporate all religious, educational, and media institutions into this operation, without their knowledge, but with their tacit consent. We can accomplish this by having them coalesce under the color of ‘science.’

Accomplishing our objectives will not require the deployment of bioweapons per se or weapons of mass destruction during Phase 1. The key catalyst to the first phase of our plan will simply require the deployment of Graphene Oxide (GO) nano particles and 5g radiation. NOTE: This plan will discharge a greater toll on populated areas in first world countries vs rural areas and third world regions. Areas such as Africa will mostly be unaffected.


Deployment of Graphene Oxide into the general population of ‘1st world’ regions via:

Cheap generic plastic masks. Manufactured in China, these will be mandated in all public areas.
PCR test swabs. Those who refuse the vaccines will be required these tests on a regular basis.
Graphene Oxide nano particles in all of the mandated Covid-19 vaccines.

Graphene Oxide Toxicity causes:

  1. Thromboses
  2. Blood clots
  3. Disruption to the bodies immune system in lieu to a (redacted) immune system.
  4. Graphene Oxide helps disrupt the immune system by blocking glutathione production which impedes natural detoxification of heavy metals and a long list of known toxins. NOTE: Lockdowns will also impact natural Vitamin D production and cause stress which will also damage the immune system, both vital to our plan.
  5. Graphene Oxide passes through the blood-brain barrier and because it can be activated by 5g frequencies, it will also (redacted). NOTE: Graphene Oxide was already included as an adjuvant since the 2019 flu shots.

Conclusion: Graphene Oxide, 5g radiation, vaccines, lockdowns, and the resulting economic and physical stressors in 1st world regions will pave the way for Part 2 of our ten year plan by 2024. By getting the entire world to embrace science, even the Nationalists and religious zealots who blindly follow their leaders, current models do not anticipate Part 1 of being implemented with any significant violent resistance. As a result, a more divided two tier society will be created, and will thus pave the way for Part 2.

Disclaimer: Obtained via Remote Viewing, which science tells us is nonsense, so please disregard this as fiction.

On a side note, ozone oxidizes Graphene Oxide and in combination, can actually be useful at removing some toxic substances. (see research on O3 and GO) I believe this is why alt health practitioners are having success using ozone therapy on vaccine damaged people with red blood cell issues (chronic headaches, fatigue, low oxygen levels, etc) Ozone does the opposite of Graphene Oxide, it floods red blood cells with oxygen.

On the bright side, the elites will be able to negate the effects of V’s via ozone therapy. On the other hand, I fully expect ozone therapy and medical grade ozone generators to be illegal by 2026.

15,000 mgh Commercial Ozone Generator Now Available

15,000 mgh Commercial Ozone Generator Now Available

15g ozone generator
Forever Ozone 15G Commercial Ozone Generator

Ask. And ye shall receive. We asked the universe to find a stainless steel case for our awesome next-gen 15g quartz tube ozone modules and VIOLA! A factory reached out to us and made us a deal we couldn’t refuse and the rest is history.

Nothing says ‘Forever’ with an ozone generator like stainless steel. Most ozone generators sold on Amazon are painted steel. And in China, the paint used on ozone generators contains lead. (don’t take my word for it, take a chip off any ozone generator sold an Amazon and test the paint for lead.) Adding lead to the pain does make the paint more ozone resistant by the way. The reason they use leaded paint. Back to my point about the case for most ozone generators. When the pain chips off, the exposed steel quickly rusts, and worse of all, the screws (often non stainless steel) rust and are impossible to remove. I learned this 12 years ago which prompted me to create Forever Ozone and our original ‘bare bones’ ozone generators. Over half of the Chinese made ozone generators I sold 12 years ago quit working within a year when used regularly. Why? The ozone was rusting the thin pieces of copper in the wire harnesses, timers and sometimes the on-off switch. Worse of all, when I’d get the unit back to investigate what was going on, I wouldn’t be able to remove the case because all of the screws had become rusted and fused with the now rusted steel case. What a disaster! And very frustrating I recall. I had to destroy the case to get inside. Once inside, I discovered the transformer was fine. Virtually none of the transformers would crap out. Sometimes the plate would crap out before the transformer in high humidity areas, but usually it was the ozone had destroyed the wire harness, timer, or on off switch, causing the unit to fail to fire up.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and that was certainly the case here. I went on to design a bare bones unit that shipped in a flat rate USPS box (to save money on shipping) and the rest was history.

Fast forward to 2021. We’ve now ditched the ozone plate ozone modules for a ‘forever’ module that features a quartz (glass) ozone tube with stainless steel mesh. We have two. A 10g/h model and a 15g/h model. The 10g/h model fits inside of a 5″x5″ PVC enclosure but the 15g/h module is too big. Won’t fit. So we had to find a larger case. We couldn’t find one, but one found us! Now all that was left was the design. We designed this unit commercial unit without an exposed copper wire junction box (connects the power cord to the timer, transformer) and without an internal timer. The on-off switch is self contained and doesn’t have any parts that the ozone can destroy. Thus, we can offer a lifetime warranty with this commercial unit.

This unit comes standard with an external 30 minute interval timer. You can also opt to upgrade the timer to a repeat cycle timer, cell phone app smart plug, or wireless on-off outlet for $8 more.

If you operate an ozone business. Forget having to send your ozone generators in every year for an expensive service, or having to replace your machines every few years! If the transformer or stainless steel quartz tube module ever fails, just send it in for a free replacement! They’re easy to switch out. We design our units with the ‘keep it simple’ axiom in mind, so there’s only two wires that need to be cut and spliced to replace the ozone module. This saves both of us on shipping costs.

We will have a limited supply of these units in stock until November (4 per week). After that, we’ll keep 40-80 in stock at all times.

Thanks for looking, and if you have any questions, give Mike a call at 619-361-5195. Thanks for considering Forever Ozone, God Bless, and take care.

P.S. Yes, we ship this ozone generator to California!