Category: News

We Sell and Ship Ozone Generators to California

In a nutshell, the reason why we can and do sell ozone generators in California (from our website, not Amazon, they block all ozone products from sale in California) is that our ozone generators are not air purifiers, they’re commercial shock treatment ozone generators and are marketed and labeled as such. First, here is the law: 

Standards for Indoor Air Cleaning Devices. Except as provided in Section 94803 (Exclusions and Exemptions), title 17, California Code of Regulations, no person shall manufacture for use in California 24 months after the effective date of this regulation, or sell, supply, offer for sale, or introduce into 4 commerce, any indoor air cleaning device for use or intended for use in occupied spaces unless the device is certified by ARB to produce an ozone emission concentration not exceeding 0.050 ppm, as specified in Section 94804; is labeled as required in Section 94806; meets all requirements of this article; and continues to meet all requirements of this article, including the ozone emissions limit as determined by the test procedure in Section 94805. § 94803.  Exclusions and Exemptions. (a) Industrial use: The provisions of this article do not apply to indoor air cleaning devices manufactured, advertised, marketed, labeled, and used solely for industrial use as defined in Section 94801(a)(15) above, provided that they are marketed solely through industrial supply outlets or businesses and prominently labeled as “Solely for industrial use. Potential health hazard: emits ozone.”   “Industrial use” or “industrial application” means the use of ozone in the following manner:  (A) purification of water in an industrial plant, water treatment facility, municipal water facility, or similar facility, and swimming pools and spas  (B) the destruction of microbes on produce in an agricultural processing plant, refrigerated transport truck, or related facility  (C) chemical oxidation and disinfection in the electronics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and chemical industries  (D) bleaching and other processing purposes in the pulp and paper industry   (E) odor control from industrial stack gases or wastewater treatment facilities  (F) odor and smoke control in the hotel industry, provided no people are physically present  (G) mold remediation, provided no people are physically present  (H) fire and smoke damage remediation, provided no people are physically present  (I) odor control in the motor vehicle reconditioning and detailing industry provided no people are physically present. 

Ozone shock treatments are approved and used in various industries to sanitize, clean, and remediate odors, smoke damage, kill mold, and remove the stench of decaying organic material. The smell of rotting flesh creates a funk that sticks to all surfaces, and the only way to remove it is with an ozone shock treatment. We only sell industrial-strength ozone generators that emit ultra-high levels of ozone, 10, 20, 40 grams of ozone per hour! That is so much ozone it can in no way can it be reasonably used as an air purifier in an unoccupied room! Ozone air purifiers typically utilize MICA ozone plate technology. This older technology uses wire mesh to produce low levels of ozone, usually 300-400 milligrams per hour per ozone plate. That amount of ozone cannot get rid of odors, all it can do is freshen the air. However, when it gets cold, or if the room is too small, the ozone can build up to 1 ppm or higher and cause health issues to asthmatics or folks with reduced lung function. Every year people using ozone air purifiers (or mistaking specific types of ozone generators for air purifiers which is never an issue with our science project looking machines) are rushed off to the hospital because they have difficulty breathing. In almost all cases, the ozone machine is turned on at night, and the problems happen while people are sleeping since ozone is “self-regulating”. By self-regulating I mean that ozone makes you cough if you breath too much and if you don’t cough, no worries, you didn’t breath too

The state of California passed this law to protect their citizens from using ozone generators as air purifiers because it is true that a certain percentage of the population is not bright enough to read or follow instructions or log onto the Internet to figure out the correct way to use a device that has a fan and a filter and looks like an air purifier and produces a nice fresh scent (ozone). Every Forever Ozone machine comes with a sticker that states that 1) This is an industrial ozone shock treatment machine and 2) It is only to be used in unoccupied areas as it emits high levels of ozone. Nowhere on our website or out manual do we state that it is okay to breathe ozone or be in the area when the ozone shock treatment is being performed. The homeowner, in this case, is acting as a contractor, per our terms of service, to perform an industrial process on their own and agree to adhere to our safety suggestions and use the device only as intended, in unoccupied rooms. 

Every Forever Ozone machine comes with a sticker that states that 1) This is an industrial ozone shock treatment machine and 2) It is only to be used in unoccupied areas as it emits high levels of ozone. Nowhere on our website or our manual do we state that it is okay to breathe ozone or be in the area where the ozone shock treatment is being performed. The homeowner, in this case, is acting as a contractor, per our terms of service, to conduct an industrial process on their own and agree to adhere to our safety suggestions and use the device only as intended, in unoccupied rooms.   Thanks for your help passing the word on Forever Ozone shock treatment ozone generators to California businesses and homeowners!


HEPA air purifiers are a waste of money. I will prove it, then show you what you need to do to improve your indoor air quality. Before starting Forever Ozone, I was an IAQ tester for an environmental engineering firm.  

  1. Table top HEPA air purifiers don’t move enough air to do the lofty job of purifying indoor air to any degree, let alone to a degree that improves indoor air quality enough to make them worth the expense!   Most HEPA air purifiers only move a few hundred cubic feet a minute of air. Your HVAC air handler on the other hand moves over 3000 cubic feet of air per minute. (CFM)  Your HVAC system is designed to change the air in your home at least two times per hour. If you’re looking for dust removal, look there, not a table top air purifier!   All you need to do is install a good MERV 11 furnace filter (only cost $5-$6 on eBay if you by 12 at a time) and run the fan in the “on” position 24/7.  HVAC system fans are energy efficient so that will only cost you around $10 a month extra electric. WARNING: Be especially weary of heavily marketed air purifiers like the “Ionic Breeze” years ago or the Molekule today that don’t offer a CADR (clean air delivery rate).  Why?  They don’t move that much air and thus can’t offer much air cleaning capabilities, outside perhaps of a small sealed chamber, lol.  
  2. HEPA air purifiers don’t kill airborne viruses, molds, or bacteria. They do trap them a small percentage of them inside of their filters, an area that is dark and sometimes moist, and guess what happens next? 
  3. HEPA air purifiers don’t sanitize surfaces and kill surface molds, bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, and they don’t kill dust mites. 
  4. HEPA air purifiers cause noise pollution and waste electricity, adding insult to injury.  
  5. HEPA air purifiers don’t get rid of odors or VOC’s very well, if at all.  

What is the solution?  Forever Ozone’s Cheap Air Purifier Solution that also employs carbon, UV, UVC, TiO2 Mesh, and ozone shock treatment options. (Test with a particle counter meter – 100% dust reduction)

1) “Shock” your air with high concentrations of ozone to kill all surface micro-pathogens such as molds, bacteria, viruses, etc when nobody is home. 2) Run your HVAC system 24/7 and utilize a MERV 11 filter; change it every 3 weeks (it will be black – but better a cheap filter than your lungs). 3) Install a UVC Induct system. 4) Bring in fresh as often as possible.  That’s it. Do that and your indoor air will help promote good health, not rob you of your health.  

For the ozone shock treatment, you will need enough ozone rated in milligrams per hour (mg/h) to do your entire structure at the same time. Going room by room with a small machine won’t work very well because “bad stuff” from one area will quickly leach into sanitized areas, you’ll be like a dog chasing their tail. You’ll never get it.  You have “stuff” you want to sanitize in every nook and cranny, in your duct work, in your closets, in your drawers. You want to open everything up and shock it with ozone at the same time. The industry recommends 1000 milligrams per 100 square feet but that only works if you have 10-20% humidity. At 50% humidity, ozone production is reduced by 50%. Also, trying to get rid of second hand smoke, you need 2 times the recommended amount of ozone. Say you have a 2000 square foot home with 8 foot ceilings. If you have 10-20% humidity, you can get by with 20,000 mg/h of ozone to shock the structure at tone time. However, if the humidity level is 50%, you’ll need 40,000 milligrams of ozone.  If you are trying to get ride of second hand smoke, you’ll need 80,000 milligrams to get the job done right. Our commercial solid state ballasts and 20,000 hour heavy duty ozone plates are economical enough to perform “whole house” ozone shock treatments at one time, and that’s what the doctor orders to get’r done. 

What is the difference between Forever Ozone’s proprietary solid state transformers and the Chinese transformers used in Amazon and eBay models?   Our ozone ballast – transformers have removable plates and power cords and don’t feature any high voltage wires outside of the ballast.  The Chinese ozone generators feature transformers with red high voltage wires that are glued onto non-removable ozone plates. (a shock and fire hazard)  Those are basically disposable transformers.   Our ozone plates plug right into the side of the ballast, as does the power cord. If the ballast fails, just send it in for a free replacement.

What is our shock treatment protocol?  

1. We use steel blade fans that can move 3000 to 4000 CFM of air and blow the ozone straight up towards the ceiling. Ozone is heavier than air and doing this will force the air near the roof down towards ground level where it will quickly become ozonated by the two to eight 4″ x 4″ ozone plates that produce 20,000 to 80,000 milligrams of ozone per hour and which are mounted to commercial steel blade fans. 2. We utilize  24 hour, 30 minute interval timers that allow you to schedule an ozone shock treatment while you’re away from home and turn off at least one hour before anyone re-occupies the structure.  3. Air out the house by opening all of the windows and turning the fan to blow air out of one of the bottom floor windows so that you draw fresh air into the house.  That’s it! Now all of the surfaces are disinfected, VOC’s have been destroyed, mites have been killed (and their feces neutralized) and your air is fresh and clean. 

I was an IAQ expert and offer great advice in the manuals on the proper way to do anything from get rid of second hand smoke to kill mites, mold, or just get rid of odors, any odor, skunk, rotting flesh, etc.  I also offer our customers free advice after the sale, and I answer the phone. 

If you have VOC’s or “sick home syndrome,”  an ozone shock treatment is the only solution.  Don’t waste your money on a VOC air purifier alone, they alone can’t do the job of drastically lowering your VOC levels. Why? Because they do nothing to address the chemicals leaching out (off-gassing) from the building materials, that’s why.  To accomplish that, you will need to perform several ozone shock treatments over several days or even weeks. That’s what furniture manufacturers with government contracts do. (I sold ozone generators to one such contractor)  They place their furniture in a trailer, run the ozone for a few hours on, a few hours off for about a week, then ship them off after a VOC test reveals it passes government standards. It’s interesting to me that our politicians require the furniture they buy to place in their government offices meets a higher standard for off-gas VOC’s than the what is mandated for the general public.   Actions speak louder than words, don’t they?  

VOC’s and molds are the two things you’ll find in your indoor air that make people sick.  (statistically) However, they’re not the number one indoor air allergen.  The number one indoor air allergen is dust mite feces. Dust mite feces is also tied to childhood asthma.  Dust mite feces gives homes lived in for many years that “old folk” smell. The only way to get rid of that biologically active material is with an ozone shock treatment which will also kill the dust mites! This should be done at least 4 times a year, and for sure before moving into a new home. The old tenants left behind their DNA, and god only knows what type of  biologically active material. One should bless their home with ozone before moving in to destroy all of that ‘junk.”  HEPA air purifiers don’t help with dust mite feces by the way. Why? As we move around, we kick that “crap” up. Air purifiers can’t keep up. Only sitting still for at least 30 minutes while your HVAC fan is running is the only way to remove that type of dust from the air, and the only way to make that dust inert so that you’re not taking in biologically active crap?  Perform periodic ozone shock treatments. 

Undoubtedly you’ve heard that ozone is a “toxic gas.”  That’s fake news. Ozone is oxygen. Oxygen can never be toxic. Well, strike that. In high concentrations, ozone gas is harmful to the lungs. So what. In high concentrations, drink too much water too fast, and water can kill you. Does that make water toxic? The fact remains, ozone isn’t for breathing, ozone is for sanitizing and killing the “bad stuff” in the air that makes us sick.  It does a better job of cleaning the air than any type of air purifier on the market. Again, all you have to do to address dust issues is change your furnace filter ever 3 weeks with a MERV 11 type filter, as mentioned above, and run your HVAC fan in the “on” position 24/7. That is the best “air cleaner” you can get!  If you have money, you can opt for an HVAC air scrubber that does an even better job. However, to keep mold from growing in your ducts, and to kill the  mites and neutralize their droppings nothing comes close to doing the job that ozone does, and you won’t find a better ozone generator than those found at!  I guarantee that. And the last reason to buy from us? We answer the phone and offer expert advise and great customer service. That’s something you just won’t get on Amazon or eBay. 

Dangerous Ozone Air Purifiers

Forever Ozone has been selling our “open-air” design ozone generators since 2010, and we’ve never been sued once. Why? Several reasons, but main among them is the fact our engineered and designed in the USA ozone generators do not look like air purifiers! Nobody will find one of our ozone generators on a shelf while visiting your cabin and think, hmm, it does smell kinda musty in my room, let me turn this air purifier on while I sleep”. That does happen folks. Happens dozens of times a year, mostly by elderly people visiting the musty homes of relatives, finding the ozone machines, confusing them for air purifiers, and harming their lungs by falling asleep with the ozone generator running by their side. Lastly, you can store our ozone plates away from the machine, like removing bullets from a gun and storing the rounds somewhere else. Without the ozone plates, even if plugged in, our units won’t produce ozone!

Two types of ozone generators cause problems, ozone air purifiers (Like Alpine, Ecoquest) and Chinese made ozone generators that you find on Amazon and eBay. First the ozone air purifiers. Most ozone air purifiers use MICA plates that create around 400 mg/h of ozone per hour per plate. That’s just enough to freshen the air in a 2000 sq ft home if placed in a large, open area. They look like air purifiers are often marketed as such, however, if set in a closed 100 sq ft room overnight, they can quickly elevate the ozone concentration to “shock levels”, over 4 ppm, and that amount of ozone can harm your lungs! The second type of “dangerous” ozone generator is the Chinese made units that feature a 3500 or 5000 mg/h high voltage ozone plate. They look like air purifiers, but if someone places one of these ozone air purifiers in a bedroom and falls asleep, the ozone levels can rise to unsafe levels as they sleep. If the person is a sound sleeper, that might pose a problem. Thus, every year, people are being rushed off to the emergency room for confusing ozone generators for air purifiers and turning them on right before they fall asleep, in the process giving ozone generators a bad name! California has outlawed the sale of ozone-producing air purifiers for this reason. Our ozone generators are not included in the ban because they are not ozone air purifiers! We only sell commercial ozone shock treatment machines! Quite frankly, our ozone generators look more like a science experiment than an air purifier, by design. We never want one of our ozone generators to be confused for an air purifier!

This is just another one of the reasons why I designed our Forever Ozone ozone generators with an open-air design. The other reason, maintenance. The ozone plates have to be wiped down after each use to prolong the life of the ozone plate. Nobody takes 8 tiny screws off the typical ozone generator after each use and wipes down the ozone plates, nobody! Sometimes the ozone welds those screws shut so they can’t be removed anyway. Design flaw, or is it? Chinese have been known to design things to break down and fail prematurely to keep our landfills full and their factories churning!

Here’s the thing though, if you suffer from allergies, YOU DO NEED THE POWER OF OZONE to destroy the micro-pathogens that are driving you nuts! Enter our high ozone output shock treatment ozone generators! An ozone shock treatment in an unoccupied space will not only kill the molds, pollen, viruses, bacteria, and mite droppings that are wreaking havoc on your sinuses, it will also remove odors and break down harmful chemicals that also make you sick. So you see while breathing ozone created by ozone air purifiers is low quantities isn’t a great idea (can irritate your lungs) creating ULTRA HIGH levels of ozone in an unoccupied area is exactly what the doctor ordered to sanitize and transform your sick house into a healthy air environment.

What about creating low levels of ozone to keep the air smelling fresh, is that okay? Yes, at lower levels under .05 ppm, our lungs will not get irritated (unless you suffer from asthma). However, I only use ozone to freshen the air in my home while it’s occupied if I want to get rid of cooking odors, after going #2 in the bathroom, or if I’m trying to get rid of a fly or mosquito (they can’t take even low levels of ozone). If you live near a freeway with a lot of car air pollution, adding a little ozone to your air to help break that down is probably a good idea but again, under .05 ppm. Problem is, you don’t know how much ozone you’re creating, and that’s a problem. Just use common sense. Ozone is self-regulating in that if it makes you cough or gives you a headache, you’re breathing unhealthy levels and you should exit the premise ASAP. However, if it just makes the air smell nice and fresh, then you’re okay. I like to keep an ozone generator on top of the fridge and cut it on for a few seconds at a time with a wireless on-off outlet, same with the bathroom. There I have a unit screwed up high that I can cut on for a few seconds at a time to remove let’s just say certain not so pleasant odors. Nuff said.

Our Ozone Transformers vs. Chinese Transformers

We knew that eventually the Chinese would copy our “open-air” or as we call it our “bare-bones” ozone generator design, and finally, they did.

Their idea is to stack two 5g ozone plates on top of each other and cement the red high voltage wires to those plates while allowing the high voltage to travel up and down the two columbs. This is a terrible idea for several reasons, mainly:

  1. The transformer has to sit flush (ours sit sideways for proper cooling) and this causes their transformers to get very hot.
  2. They also decided it was a good idea to electrify the the plastic mounts (columns) with high voltage electricity.
  3. They also decided to cement the red high voltage wires to the ozone plates. (ours has a removable plate) What happens when it’s time to change the plate? What happens if the red wire comes loose? What happens when the high voltage causes the plastic columbs or the plastic transformer to catch fire?

This new design needs to be changed as soon as possible to prevent problems. At the very least they should only use metal separators in the columns (common sense) and not plastic! That is rediculous. We don’t mean to help our competition but this is for the good of the ozone industry. Bad designs like this make all ozone generator manfuactures look bad in my opinion.

Our solid-state ozone generator transformer has an embedded ozone plate holder that allows for easy plug in and removal of the ozone palte. It was invented like this for 2 reasons. One, the shorter the distance between the ozone plate and the transformer the less electricity loss. Secondly, safety. The two red high voltage wires, if they touch, or come loose, can cause a fire hazard. If the solder (or in with some others such as this one cement) comes loose from the plate or white base, that live wire also presents a shock hazard. Those things are not an issue with our proprietary design.

If someone does utilize these devices, they place them on concrete and they don’t run them for very long. They’re sure to over heat in no time!

UPDATE: They took our advise and changed the column separators to metal. GOOD JOB! That helps with that issue. They still cement the wires to the ozone plates with a white cement that’s not available to consumers in the USA. Those transformers are basically disposable once the plates go bad, and based on the design, the plates are sure to crack and start sparking within no time, especially if the users run them for more than 10-20 minutes. Buyer beware!

What is The Cheapest Way to Clean Your Air?

Before I started Forever Ozone I was an IAQ tester and seller of air purifiers online.  Most of the people had air purifiers, yet the dust ratings just 5 feet from their tabletop machines was off the charts, almost as if an air purifier wasn’t even present.  Why?  We’re always kicking up dust as we move around.  Also, you need to move a lot of air to move the dust from point A near your roof to point B (the air purifier) and guess what?  Air purifiers have 100 CFM fans (like most ozone machines) that are virtually worthless at churning the air. Worst of all, they’re a waste of money (replacement filters and wasted electricity).  That’s adding insult to injury!  

 So what do I recommend for improving indoor air quality and removing dust? (what do I do?)

 1) I run my HVAC fan 24/7 and replace the furnace filters ever 20-30 days with MERV 11 filters (Pay around $5 a piece because I buy them by the case on ebay)  HVAC fans are usually 100-200 Watts so they won’t break the bank when it comes to increased electricity charges. 

2) I have a UVC Induct air sanitizer in my HVAC system to zap any viruses, pathogens or molds that happen to get through the filters. I’ve also installed a nano TIO2 mesh filter I sold back in the day around the UVC lamp for added hydroxyl radical oxidizers that are not harmful to breath and to increase the sanitation effect. (we have dogs) 

3) I use a vacuum cleaner that pulls the dirt into water instead of a bag so that when I have my place vacuumed, it doesn’t fill the air with dust.  I bought it off Craigslist for $100, brand new they’re $500 (Hyla Brand) 

 4) Whenever I leave the house I put fido in the back yard and conduct a 1 hr ozone shock treatment to zap any surface viruses, bacteria etc and to kill the dust mites and inactivate their feces. (yuck!)  Bug feces is the #1 allergen I encountered in “sick homes” that were making people sick. Dust won’t make you sick per se but inhaling biologically harmful material ….not good, to say the least.