I keep looking for studies on the use of ozone to kill SARS and Coronaviruses and I keep finding new ones, hence this new post.
This new study is pretty extensive in delineating the many different ways in which ozone kills viruses and the risk that breathing ozone poses to our lungs. If you’ve read my blog posts, you know the “forever ozone’ method includes introducing fresh air after a shock treatment to remove any ‘tiny’ particles created by breaking down VOCs into smaller components. People who do a shock treatment to remove second hand smoke should strongly consider following our protocol. Second hand smoke has 1000’s of chemicals that are broken down by the ozone shock process. Those tiny particles need to be flushed out after the shock treatment.
It’s not like they don’t know ozone therapy helps with killing Covid. Get a load of this: “Five review studies were found in which the potential role of systemic ozone therapy was concluded to be effective in controlling COVID-19 because of its antiviral, oxygenation, anti-inflammatory, oxidation balancing, and immunomodulation effects. Three ongoing clinical trials were registered in China. A preliminary report of an ongoing study in Italy on 46 patients (11 intubated and 35 non-intubated) showed that in 39 (84%) of the patients, an improvement was seen. In spite of the promising background data, as well as the expert opinions and a preliminary report indicating the effectiveness of ozone, there is still not enough evidence to confirm this as a viable treatment option for COVID-19.” (reference) 84% improvement isn’t enough evidence? Really? Hmmm. Interesting. I think the jury is in. The MSM has chosen to not covered the trial, that’s all.
Here is a link to this ozone study (click here) Note the many different things that ozone therapy has been shown, via studies, to cure. Yet doctors are afraid to administer ozone? And why aren’t over night (when closed) ozone shock treatments in closed offices, businesses, medical facilities being promoted? We know for sure that even small amounts of ozone kill surface Covid. The USA Army is promoting ozone shock treatments in empty barracks to slow the spread of Covid, on the down low. I wish someone in our National Press would promote ozone shock treatments to slow the spread of Covid. If they ever do, like I said, I’d be willing to offer our products AT COST (not looking to profit from Covid) to schools. Hospitals. And Government agencies. That offer still stands, and will never be redacted.