Author: Mike
Owner, Forever Ozone

Why Forever Ozone has the best deal on ozone generator, bar none.

Why Forever Ozone has the best deal on ozone generator, bar none.

Last year China started dumping their nano metal embedded ozone generators on Amazon and the price dropped from around $100 to $50 for what can only be described as dangerous short term ozone generators. I went over the reasons in a past post. But mainly, they were found to start fires and make people sick (probably from the embedded nano-metals used to make line on the ceramic ozone plates.) The paint used on those machines is leaded because frankly, leaded paint holds up better with ozone. But I wouldn’t be surprised to find out down the road the Chinese knew that ozone and leaded paint put lead aerosols in the air (just a hunch) I’ve noticed they seem to do things with the ozone machines they make that negate the purpose of ozone in the first place. To improve health.

Here are some other reasons why you don’t want to buy your ozone generator from a source that allows proven liars to sell ozone machines:

  1. They lie about the ozone production, and Amazon seems to let them. (complicit). For years. A 2″ x 4″ ozone plate with a hexagon design created 3500 mgh of ozone. Now. They put two such plates stacked on top of one another and claim it’s creating 36,000. 40,000. Even 80,000 mgh of ozone which is a flat out lie. A deceptive trade practice. And fraud. The reason this is important is because you need 10,000 of ozone per 1000 sq ft.
  2. The technology they sell (ceramic plates or steel tubes they call quartz tubes) runs hot and presents a fire hazard. At high temperatures. You can’t create ozone. You only create a burnt ozone smell. All of the ozone created happens in the first few minutes with those machines. Our units feature real quartz tube technology that doesn’t run hot. Our Mica plate technology with a heat sink also runs cool.
  3. The technology they sell isn’t humidity-resistant. Our units are.
  4. Performing ozone shock treatments, the protocols Contractors like Serve Pro use, are not known by the vendors of those machines! You’ll get zero help with your particular situation. Once you buy a machine from us, we are happy to share with yo our expertise on performing ozone shock treatments. (Don’t call and ask unless you’re a customer. You only get to speak with the owner Mike about shock treatment protocols if you’re a customer)
  5. All ozone machines on the market have a fatal design flaw. An on-off switch that features a tiny strip of copper inside that quickly becomes oxidized by the high level of ozone within a small space and then stops conducting electricity. Same for the timer in those machines. So the buyer will think that the unit failed because it no longer turns on down the road. And the buyer is on the hook with return shipping both ways which will end up costing more than the machine itself. So it ends up in the local dump polluting our soil with lead paint and who knows what else. We figured this out 15 years ago and our American made to last designed machine is simple with no on-off switch or internal timer. You see. Americans design things that last! We take offense to cheap crap designed to fail sold by globalist companies that try to kill American companies with their poorly ‘prone to fail’ products. At I do. That’s why I invented the Forever Ozone and backed it with a lifetime warranty.

We’re the only company to offer real quartz tube technology or the Mica plate and stainless steel mesh on a heat sink technology at the time of this printing. I see Amazon is selling a unit now they claims to feature quartz tube technology but those elements are not quartz UV bulb like tubes! They’re metal tubes that are placed way too close to one another (fire hazard). They also misrepresent the ozone production. Mini quartz tubes (we had the ozone production independently certified) produce around 3 grams of ozone per tube. Our five mini-quartz-tube machine is 15g and covers areas up to 1500 sq. ft.

I love ozone and what it does to improve both air and water quality. I care what we sell our customers and don’t want to sell the type of disposable crap they sell elsewhere. And Forever Ozone is a family business that isn’t going anywhere. We don’t spend money on advertising so we don’t have to worry about going out of business like others do. And we don’t have to worry about jacking our prices because of tariffs down the road. Lastly. I foresee a day when ozone generators are no longer sold on Amazon due to the misrepresentation of ozone production as well as the health issues related to the products they sell (not to mention the fire hazard issues). When that day comes. We will only sell to our past customers (not take any new customers) because we don’t want our sales to go over $250,000 per year so that we don’t have to collect sales taxes and spend a fortune on accounting. So being a Forever Ozone customer will pay off in spades in the future. Our way of being loyal to those who were loyal to us throughout the years. Mike

Out of Stock Items Update + New 10G Bare Bones Ozonator for $199

Out of Stock Items Update + New 10G Bare Bones Ozonator for $199

UPDATE 12-10. We’re getting the Mica/Stainless steel / Heat sink humidity resistant ozone machines back in stock on Friday and a limited amount of the Quartz tube machines tomorrow with more coming next week. (fully stocked next week)

Sales have exceeded historical norms and we’ve run out of most items well before we get more supplies mid-month. All we have in stock at this time are the “bare bones” quartz tube water ozonators with a variable output pump. Our 10g Bare Bones Ozonator that usually sells for $249 will be on sale for $199 until the end of the year. Our 3g Bare Bones Ozonator is on sale for $169. Both great deals and a ‘must have’ item for health-conscious people, especially parents with children. Having ozone therapy capabilities is like having a doctor at home. Plus ozone helps preserve food and remove harmful pesticides and pathogens from food. And unlike the Chinese-made machines. Our machines feature 100% Food Grade silicone tubing and Made in the USA glass bubblers that don’t contain heavy metals and impurities like the other guys.

As for our air shock treatment items. We still have a handful of the 15g Bare Bones quartz tube units in stock. We expect to get our supplies by mid December in case you’re thinking of placing a back-order. They should arrive by Christmas if you order now.

New Ozone Technology. Just in time.

New Ozone Technology. Just in time.

I just recently learned about the health issues related to ceramic ozone plates with embedded nano-graphene oxide. I asked a manufacturer to make me a new type of plate that can replace the ceramic plates (for the tens of thousands of customers who have already invited in that technology). It has to have the same footprint. About 2.5 inches wide and 5 inches long and no more than 4 inches high. The quartz tube technology, even the 15g ballasts are just a little too large. But we came up with something that will produce clean, graphene oxide free ozone and stay cool. A Mica Plate, stainless steel mesh design with a heat sink.

This “set-up” produces 10g of ozone and STAYS COOL without any of the negative features found in ceramic plates. It’s just as good as our quartz tube technology because of the advent of a heat sink which really does a nice job of keeping the stainless steel cool during ozone production.

We will sell these for $49.99 with free shipping which basically means we’re selling it for $40 plus shipping. If you buy 15 (Contractor pack) you can get these for less than $40 with free shipping. Quite the deal!

Forever Ozone sells mainly to contractors who perform ozone shock treatments for a living. We don’t advertise and we don’t sell on Amazon or eBay. We area also one of the ozone ozone vendors who will answer customer questions on how to CORRECTLY perform ozone shock treatments to remediate x, y, or z issues. Contractors like ServePro don’t put ozone generators on a table and walk out! They force highly ozonated air into a structure via “negative pressure” so that the ozone gets forced into nooks and crannies. You see, ozone generators, no matter the stated output (and it’s very inflated and deceitful on Amazon) don’t create ozone! They CONVERT the available oxygen in the air into ozone! Once that oxygen is gone, because you placed the ozone generator on the floor, not knowing the right way to go about things, you’ll find a cloud of ozone around your Amazon ozone machine and tons of oxygen near the ceiling because ozone is heavier than air. The RIGHT way to perform and ozone shock treatment is to place the air intake (fan side) of the machine OUTSIDE of the structure via a cracked window (our units are only 4″ wide for this reason) and then use cardboard and tape to close the space above the machine and then perform your ozone shock treatment. This unit allows you to stack 2, 3 units on top of each other to create ultra-high concentrations of ozone to kill mold, mites, or get rid of the strongest odors (skunk, decaying flesh, etc).

We will now offer our “Large Room” 10g ozone generators with this Mica plate set-up alongside our time tested quartz tube technology and our new mini quartz tube 15g technology. We will also make a 20g and 40g model similar to our 30g and 60 “window sill” units.

If you have any questions, call Mike 12-4 CST at 501.654.4330. Thanks for reading, for your continued patronage over the years. And as always. May God bless you and yours!

Ceramic Ozone Plates Discontinued for Health Concerns.

Ceramic Ozone Plates Discontinued for Health Concerns.

I’ve known for months now there had to be a reason why Chinese manufacturers are dumping their ozone generators for below cost on Amazon and eBay. This past weekend. I finally learned the real reason. And now it makes sense.

The Chinese quit putting fluoride in their water when 10 years of studies proved it causes childhood cancers, rotted teeth, and lowered IQ. I read recently the USA just decided to stop dumping rat poison (fluoride) in our city water. That will go down as the worse health disaster in US history! China’s studies proved water fluoridation with 1ppm fluoride had 4-10 times more childhood cancer and an average 10 point reduction in IQ. So they stopped.

I have a few good friends in China that I chat with from time to time. People who helped me years ago when I first got into the ozone business and who still share information with me today. The friend who told me Chinese ceramic ozone plate manufacturers were dumping their stock on Amazon and eBay months ago heard from insiders it was for “danger” reasons. He believes the ceramic plates run hot and the ‘hot’ wire has issues with dislodging and arching, causing a shock and fire hazard. But this past weekend I learned what’s really going on and it’s worse.

The Chinese invented the nano-metal embedded ozone ceramic plates about 15 years ago. Nicola Tesla invented the quartz ozone tube with stainless steel on the inside and outside (di-electric corona discharge ozone generation method). Companies like Alpine and EcoQuest placed the stainless steel on Mica plates that slid into the back of their ozone machines like a CD changer. Those technologies are more expensive to manufacture back in the day. Ozone generators cost hundreds of dollars. The embedded nano-metal ceramic plate technology brought the price of ozone down to around $100 for years. But in the past 6 months or so. They’re selling below cost. When you factor in shipping the unit to the USA, paying Amazon a 16% commission, and shipping the 12 lb product to the customer, how can they possibly sell them for $50? The reason is that the factories must liquidate them ASAP because they discovered that the embedded nano metals (graphene oxide) becomes airborne when the plate heats up above 120 degrees (take only about 30 seconds) and breathing nano graphene oxide is bad our ones health.

I didn’t know this when I switched over to the quartz tube technology six years ago, even though I knew about the embedded nano metals and even though I was IAQ certified 20 years ago and conducted indoor air quality testing. Back then. We weren’t testing for nano metals in the air. But now that people are concerned with ‘chemtrails’ and what not, they are testing for nano metals in the air and lo and behold ceramic ozone plates are a cause for concern. All I knew was that the quartz tubes created a sweeter more natural ozone ‘smell’ than the ceramic plates which create a burnt ozone metallic smell. That and that fact the quartz tube technology doesn’t result in a reduction of ozone production as is the case with the ceramic plates. At 80% humidity, ceramic plates only put out 20%. At 70%, the put out 30%. And that’s only if it’s in the 50s! At room temperature. The plates reach 140 degrees within 30 seconds and since heat destroys ozone, the ozone being created is quickly destroyed by the heat, which leaves an burnt metallic ozone odor that will linger for days.

Because of this new revelation. We will no longer stock the ceramic ozone plates. We still have 80 or so 10g plates but will liquidate those at cost ($10) until they’re gone. If you bought a ceramic ozone plate machine from us years ago. (And you’re in our system) We’ll allow you to upgrade to our newer ‘humidity-proof” quartz tube and Mica Plate technology at 30% off our already low prices.

Don’t expect to have the manufacturers fess up on the embedded graphene oxide in their ozone plates becoming airborne. But it makes sense. Over time. The embedded metal disappears. Where does it go? Now we know. If you have one of those machines. Be very careful to air out the room after use and NEVER run it indoors to freshen the air. To do that. Rely on quartz tube and Mica plate technology, or UV technology.

Now we know why the prices are so cheap. In this case. Cheap is expensive if you value your health.

New “Bare Bones” Ozonator Offerings by Forever Ozone

New “Bare Bones” Ozonator Offerings by Forever Ozone

When we first started Foreverozone. Many of you remember we made a 1,000 mgh ‘Bare Bones” water ozonator that sat on top of a piece of oak. Those units seemed to last forever. They were a big hit with our customers. We quit making them after around 8 years in lieu of a low-output digital ozonator (we no longer offer) and the Stainless Steel units we still sell today.

We know times are tough for many folks and they can’t afford our high-end ozone generators. ($400 & $600 for our Stainless Steel 10g and 15 models). So we’re bringing back the “bare bones” ozonator concept we invented 15 years ago but with a better offering.

The 3000 and 10,000 mgh quartz tube ozonators we now offer are a huge upgrade over the 1000 mgh quartz tube we sold years ago. That quartz tube didn’t feature a heat sink. These new tubes do. Not only do they feature a robust heat sink. We place a fan right on top of it to provide superior cooling. Keeping the quatz tube as cool as possible ensures high quality ozone production.

We are also offering a 0-7 liter per minute air pump that will allow our customers interested in ozone insufflation machines a great option vs the 500 mgh units on the market. We sell one for $299. Which is a good price for that unit. But come on. $179 and six times more ozone production? What did Hammer say. “Can’t touch this.”

Bonus: Our ozonators have features that you can’t get with the Amazon and eBay ozonators because guess what? We actually care about our customer’s health. Not just making a buck! Chinese tubing contains rubber and quickly cracks while adding impurities to the water. Their stones contain heavy metal. Why? No idea. Makes no sense. We provide two made-in-the-USA glass bubblers with a lifetime warranty (made ozone proof) that will never break down or add impurities to your water or oil! That would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?

We”re only a two-person operation so we can only make around 3-5 of these per week because most of our sales are for the best air ozonator on the market, our quart tube offering that is humidity resistant. So if you see these in stock, get them before we run out of stock. These units will also make awesome Christmas gifts for your now grown-up kids with kids. They never think about things like preventative health when they’re young. These units are a God-send to young families with kids who are always getting sick.

Foreverozone 3000 mgh water ozonator
Medical grade ozonator featuring made in the USA food grade silicone and glass bubblers. Check out product page

Ozone Generators Don’t Create Ozone!

Ozone Generators Don’t Create Ozone!

Ozone generators don’t create ozone! Ozone generators convert the o2 content in the air (around 21% oxygen) into ozone. So the ‘power’ or output is by and large a meaningless number. Achieving a high ozone concentration to kill mold, mites, and reverse secondhand smoke damage and odors requires employing the right technique the right technology. We offer both.

Ceramic plate ozone generators only work in very dry regions. Humidity reduces the ozone output. At 70% humidity. Ozone production is reduced by 70% in ceramic plate ozone generators. This is why we switched to quartz tube technology. We’re not in this business just to make a quick buck like most vendors. We care about the solutions ozone offers. And we only sell the best ozone technology on the market.

Cementing “hot” high-voltage wires (red wires from ozone transformers) onto ceramic plates is nuts. Ceramic plates run hot. Around 140 degrees. If that connection fails, you’ll have a live high-voltage wire free to create sparks (fire hazard) or a shock hazard if it touches the side of a metal box. Most of the ozone generators sold feature that type of “set-up.” Not only will they not produce nearly the amount of ozone being advertised due to several factors (humidity and how hot they run; heat destroys ozone). They pose serious risks that in time will tarnish the ozone industry as a whole.

The best way to perform an ozone shock treatment is via ‘negative pressure.’ The ozone machine is placed on a window sill with the fan part outside, where there’s an infinite amount of oxygen to create ozone. If you place your ozone machine in a room. It will quickly create a cloud of ozone near the unit void of oxygen while the air near the unit won’t be able to access the oxygen near the roof or on the other side of the room to create more ozone!

For more tips on your particular needs and applications. Call Mike between 12 and 4 Central time at 501.654.4330.

New 60,000 MGH Commercial Ozone Generator now available.

New 60,000 MGH Commercial Ozone Generator now available.

This unit was inspired by the needs of a couple trying to eradicate bird mites in their 7000 sq ft home. In a space that large. The only way to achieve a high ozone parts per million concentration (which is needed to kill bird mites) is via ‘negative pressure.’ Forcing air from outside the structure into the structure via a cracked open window, while placing this ozone generator on the window sill inside the house, is the only solution for spaces that large.

Ozone generators don’t create ozone. They convert the 21% oxygen content in the air into ozone! By placing this 60,000 mgh machine on your window sill and blowing fresh air into your structure from outside (while placing cardboard above the ozone machine to keep ozone from leaking out) you can achieve much higher ozone concentrations than you would by spacing several quartz tube ozone machines throughout the structure. How high depends on how long you run it. You’ll also force ozone into cracks and crawl spaces within your home as well as your HVAC system. And if you bought your ozone generator from Amazon and it features a ceramic plate? Forget about it! That old tech gets over 140 degrees within minutes and is further reduced by humidity, so no good at killing mites.

We also offer a 30,000 MGH design for people with 2000-3000 sq ft homes but it’s not on our website. Call in for that unit (Sells for $179)

This new technology lends itself to air blowers or a 20″ box fan which helps to create higher ozone concentrations and hurling it up high. A must-have if with high ceilings.

Learn more (product page)

Forever Ozone’s new mini-quartz tube technology.

Forever Ozone’s new mini-quartz tube technology.

Years ago we pivoted to quartz tubes. Mainly because of the humidity issue. Quartz tube and UV technology don’t diminish with humidity. Ceramic plate technology does. At 70% humidity. A ceramic plate machine only produces 30%, if that, given they run so hot (over 140 degrees) At high temperatures heat kills ozone. This new quartz tube technology doesn’t get nearly as hot and never has to be replaced.

The main draw with this new type of bare-bones unit is that it can be used with a blower or strong fan. Perfect for induct applications or for high-output machines. We’re going to sell a 60,000 mgh machine with four of these set-ups in front of a 20-inch box fan for churches, gyms, and large buildings. It can also work with high-velocity blowers to create a negative pressure situation (blowing the ozone into a house from outside, causing the ozone to creep into all the nooks and cracks. How professionals roll)

Forever ozone 15g quartz tube bare bones ozone generator
Forever ozone 15g quartz tube bare bones ozone generator
Buy Now Pay Later 0% Interest Now Available via Affirm

Buy Now Pay Later 0% Interest Now Available via Affirm

Purchases over $400 now qualify for a 0% buy now pay later deal via Affirm. The way this works is they stretch your payment our for 3-6 months at zero % interest or 12 months at a low-interest rate. Checking to see if you qualify won’t ding your FICO score. I’ve heard that if you have under 30% credit card utilization, you’ll probably qualify.

This helps those looking to purchase our more expensive ozone therapy packages and contractors who buy thousands of dollars of equipment at one time. Can’t beat 0% Interest!

New Product: 15,000 MGH Medical Grade Ozonator.

New Product: 15,000 MGH Medical Grade Ozonator.

The Forever Ozone 15g Medical Ozonator is the highest-end medical-grade ozonator on the market. The reason the price isn’t in the thousands of dollars is that you’re buying factory-direct. It should be used with an oxygen concentrator. But it does have an internal pump that can be turned on-off via a switch on the control panel. We sell a good one for $399.

This new unit features the latest quartz tube technology and the ‘bells and whistles’ found in more expensive units. A voltage and flow meter as well as an optional air pump with an on-off switch. We also have something you won’t get elsewhere. US-made glass bubblers that feature a lifetime warranty and US-made food-grade silicone tubing. The cheap stuff coming from you know where breaks down quickly and adds impurities to the water or oil, defeating the purpose of ozone in the first place. Breaking down and removing harmful substances.

We include 10 feet of US Food Grade silicone tubing and two silica (white) glass bubblers also made in the USA, 100% ozone resistant (unlike fish aquarium bubblers that add impurities to the water because the ozone breaks them down). These bubblers have a lifetime warranty and will not break down over time or add impurities to the water. You see we care about your health, not just making money. The main difference between us and Amazon, etc.

Shipping takes 2-4 days and is included in the $549.99 price. We’re not Amazon or eBay so you won’t have to pay tax. (We don’t do enough sales nationwide, which is a good thing for you. Saves you 7-10%)

15g medical grade ozonator
15g medical grade ozonator