Mostly all of the ozone generators that sell well on Amazon these days feature discontinued ozone tech that has been deemed a fire hazard (in China) and misrepresents the actual ozone production. Instead of doing the right thing and throwing the dangerous tech away. These unscrupulous manufacturers are dumping them back home for pennies on the dollar and allowing unscrupulous Chinese vendors to ship these dangerous machines to US Amazon factories for a highly discounted price. (vs last year) Amazing times we live in!
Amazon sells old Chinese ozone technology that runs off ceramic ozone plates that produce 3500 mgh/ozone per hour. Those are fine but they require frequent ozone plate replacement. They don’t work at all in high humidity. And 3500 mgh isn’t much ozone. The real problem here however is the ozone machines that feature stacked ceramic plate transformers that often burst into flames and create a serious shock and fire hazard. They get way too hot! And at those high temps. Well over 150 degrees. They’re not creating ozone. They’re burning nitrogen and creating nitrous oxides that leave a lingering burnt ozone smell. This defeats the purpose of an ozone shock treatment. To get rid of odors!

A burnt-out stacked ozone generator transformer. These types of transformers are now being placed in ozone generators sold on Amazon that state over 10gh and dumped below cost on Amazon to liquidate them quickly. Forget getting replacement parts in the future. These types of transformers are out of production. Buyers beware!
Point blank. The ozone machines sold directly from the Chinese factories on Amazon are misrepresenting their ozone production capabilities (because heat destroys ozone). They’re also selling a dangerous product that doesn’t feature replacement parts yet needs said replacement parts fairly quickly. Those machines are also designed with digital timers. On-off switches. Or regular timers. Ozone at high concentrations and at close proximity to those ‘prone to fail’ parts will cause the thin copper components to rust and thus fail to conduct electricity. The transformer will be fine. But the machine will quit working when featured with those bells and whistles. That’s why we design our machines without an on-off switch. Or an internal timer. External timers are cheap and if they fail, you can still operate your machine. We’re the only ozone manufacturer that has figured this out and makes a machine without these two components. We have to live up to our name of “Forever Ozone” with our lifetime warranty.
Forever Ozone utilizes quartz ozone tube technology which is basically stainless steel mesh on the inside and outside of a 8″ long glass tube pipe. It will never wear out or need replacement. This is important because there will come a day when it will be impossible to buy replacement parts from anyone. (you know what I’m talking about.) This “Tesla” invented ozone tube is also humidity resistant. You’ll only get 10% ozone production from a ceramic ozone plate at 90% humidity. Humidity does not affect the production of ozone from our tubes. Plus you’re supporting a US-designed ozone generator company making their product in America when you buy from us. Extra bonus karma points! So, a big thank you to our loyal customers over the years.
PRO TIP. If you are thinking of buying an ozone generator on Amazon. Ask the vendor to direct you to the replacement ozone cell. Also find out if the machine fails during the warranty period, how much it weighs, and if you’ll have to pay shipping both ways. (You will) This basically causes the buyer to throw the machine into the dumpster since the cost of warranty work shipping is more than the cost of what they paid for the unit at these ridiculous close-out prices in the first place. And those will be the lucky buyers! The unlucky ones will pay a much greater, sometimes heartbreaking cost.
Sometimes cheap things are expensive.