Operation Global Reset: 1.1. Nano Graphene Oxide in Vaccines, Masks.

Top Secret. Not for General Release.

November 11, 2019.

As you have probably heard, we have been given a mandate by (redacted) to reduce the population on Earth 90% by 2030 in order to prevent mass extinction from a now well understood cyclical event known as a (redacted) from ever taking place. After years of careful collaboration with both science and medical experts, we have determined that the most humane and efficient way to accomplish this mandate is via a worldwide (redacted). This will force anti globalist Nationalists leaders to cede power, via emergency power declarations, at which time we will take control of all power apparatus in every country of the world. We will then be able to easily proliferate our agenda over the next ten years, with little or no resistance.

Based on years of research and numerous Ai run computer simulations, we have determined that the best path forward, with the least resistance, requires that we fully incorporate all religious, educational, and media institutions into this operation, without their knowledge, but with their tacit consent. We can accomplish this by having them coalesce under the color of ‘science.’

Accomplishing our objectives will not require the deployment of bioweapons per se or weapons of mass destruction during Phase 1. The key catalyst to the first phase of our plan will simply require the deployment of Graphene Oxide (GO) nano particles and 5g radiation. NOTE: This plan will discharge a greater toll on populated areas in first world countries vs rural areas and third world regions. Areas such as Africa will mostly be unaffected.


Deployment of Graphene Oxide into the general population of ‘1st world’ regions via:

Cheap generic plastic masks. Manufactured in China, these will be mandated in all public areas.
PCR test swabs. Those who refuse the vaccines will be required these tests on a regular basis.
Graphene Oxide nano particles in all of the mandated Covid-19 vaccines.

Graphene Oxide Toxicity causes:

  1. Thromboses
  2. Blood clots
  3. Disruption to the bodies immune system in lieu to a (redacted) immune system.
  4. Graphene Oxide helps disrupt the immune system by blocking glutathione production which impedes natural detoxification of heavy metals and a long list of known toxins. NOTE: Lockdowns will also impact natural Vitamin D production and cause stress which will also damage the immune system, both vital to our plan.
  5. Graphene Oxide passes through the blood-brain barrier and because it can be activated by 5g frequencies, it will also (redacted). NOTE: Graphene Oxide was already included as an adjuvant since the 2019 flu shots.

Conclusion: Graphene Oxide, 5g radiation, vaccines, lockdowns, and the resulting economic and physical stressors in 1st world regions will pave the way for Part 2 of our ten year plan by 2024. By getting the entire world to embrace science, even the Nationalists and religious zealots who blindly follow their leaders, current models do not anticipate Part 1 of being implemented with any significant violent resistance. As a result, a more divided two tier society will be created, and will thus pave the way for Part 2.

Disclaimer: Obtained via Remote Viewing, which science tells us is nonsense, so please disregard this as fiction.

On a side note, ozone oxidizes Graphene Oxide and in combination, can actually be useful at removing some toxic substances. (see research on O3 and GO) I believe this is why alt health practitioners are having success using ozone therapy on vaccine damaged people with red blood cell issues (chronic headaches, fatigue, low oxygen levels, etc) Ozone does the opposite of Graphene Oxide, it floods red blood cells with oxygen.

On the bright side, the elites will be able to negate the effects of V’s via ozone therapy. On the other hand, I fully expect ozone therapy and medical grade ozone generators to be illegal by 2026.

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