Author: Mike
Owner, Forever Ozone

Dangerous Ozone Air Purifiers

Forever Ozone has been selling our “open-air” design ozone generators since 2010, and we’ve never been sued once. Why? Several reasons, but main among them is the fact our engineered and designed in the USA ozone generators do not look like air purifiers! Nobody will find one of our ozone generators on a shelf while visiting your cabin and think, hmm, it does smell kinda musty in my room, let me turn this air purifier on while I sleep”. That does happen folks. Happens dozens of times a year, mostly by elderly people visiting the musty homes of relatives, finding the ozone machines, confusing them for air purifiers, and harming their lungs by falling asleep with the ozone generator running by their side. Lastly, you can store our ozone plates away from the machine, like removing bullets from a gun and storing the rounds somewhere else. Without the ozone plates, even if plugged in, our units won’t produce ozone!

Two types of ozone generators cause problems, ozone air purifiers (Like Alpine, Ecoquest) and Chinese made ozone generators that you find on Amazon and eBay. First the ozone air purifiers. Most ozone air purifiers use MICA plates that create around 400 mg/h of ozone per hour per plate. That’s just enough to freshen the air in a 2000 sq ft home if placed in a large, open area. They look like air purifiers are often marketed as such, however, if set in a closed 100 sq ft room overnight, they can quickly elevate the ozone concentration to “shock levels”, over 4 ppm, and that amount of ozone can harm your lungs! The second type of “dangerous” ozone generator is the Chinese made units that feature a 3500 or 5000 mg/h high voltage ozone plate. They look like air purifiers, but if someone places one of these ozone air purifiers in a bedroom and falls asleep, the ozone levels can rise to unsafe levels as they sleep. If the person is a sound sleeper, that might pose a problem. Thus, every year, people are being rushed off to the emergency room for confusing ozone generators for air purifiers and turning them on right before they fall asleep, in the process giving ozone generators a bad name! California has outlawed the sale of ozone-producing air purifiers for this reason. Our ozone generators are not included in the ban because they are not ozone air purifiers! We only sell commercial ozone shock treatment machines! Quite frankly, our ozone generators look more like a science experiment than an air purifier, by design. We never want one of our ozone generators to be confused for an air purifier!

This is just another one of the reasons why I designed our Forever Ozone ozone generators with an open-air design. The other reason, maintenance. The ozone plates have to be wiped down after each use to prolong the life of the ozone plate. Nobody takes 8 tiny screws off the typical ozone generator after each use and wipes down the ozone plates, nobody! Sometimes the ozone welds those screws shut so they can’t be removed anyway. Design flaw, or is it? Chinese have been known to design things to break down and fail prematurely to keep our landfills full and their factories churning!

Here’s the thing though, if you suffer from allergies, YOU DO NEED THE POWER OF OZONE to destroy the micro-pathogens that are driving you nuts! Enter our high ozone output shock treatment ozone generators! An ozone shock treatment in an unoccupied space will not only kill the molds, pollen, viruses, bacteria, and mite droppings that are wreaking havoc on your sinuses, it will also remove odors and break down harmful chemicals that also make you sick. So you see while breathing ozone created by ozone air purifiers is low quantities isn’t a great idea (can irritate your lungs) creating ULTRA HIGH levels of ozone in an unoccupied area is exactly what the doctor ordered to sanitize and transform your sick house into a healthy air environment.

What about creating low levels of ozone to keep the air smelling fresh, is that okay? Yes, at lower levels under .05 ppm, our lungs will not get irritated (unless you suffer from asthma). However, I only use ozone to freshen the air in my home while it’s occupied if I want to get rid of cooking odors, after going #2 in the bathroom, or if I’m trying to get rid of a fly or mosquito (they can’t take even low levels of ozone). If you live near a freeway with a lot of car air pollution, adding a little ozone to your air to help break that down is probably a good idea but again, under .05 ppm. Problem is, you don’t know how much ozone you’re creating, and that’s a problem. Just use common sense. Ozone is self-regulating in that if it makes you cough or gives you a headache, you’re breathing unhealthy levels and you should exit the premise ASAP. However, if it just makes the air smell nice and fresh, then you’re okay. I like to keep an ozone generator on top of the fridge and cut it on for a few seconds at a time with a wireless on-off outlet, same with the bathroom. There I have a unit screwed up high that I can cut on for a few seconds at a time to remove let’s just say certain not so pleasant odors. Nuff said.

Our Ozone Transformers vs. Chinese Transformers

We knew that eventually the Chinese would copy our “open-air” or as we call it our “bare-bones” ozone generator design, and finally, they did.

Their idea is to stack two 5g ozone plates on top of each other and cement the red high voltage wires to those plates while allowing the high voltage to travel up and down the two columbs. This is a terrible idea for several reasons, mainly:

  1. The transformer has to sit flush (ours sit sideways for proper cooling) and this causes their transformers to get very hot.
  2. They also decided it was a good idea to electrify the the plastic mounts (columns) with high voltage electricity.
  3. They also decided to cement the red high voltage wires to the ozone plates. (ours has a removable plate) What happens when it’s time to change the plate? What happens if the red wire comes loose? What happens when the high voltage causes the plastic columbs or the plastic transformer to catch fire?

This new design needs to be changed as soon as possible to prevent problems. At the very least they should only use metal separators in the columns (common sense) and not plastic! That is rediculous. We don’t mean to help our competition but this is for the good of the ozone industry. Bad designs like this make all ozone generator manfuactures look bad in my opinion.

Our solid-state ozone generator transformer has an embedded ozone plate holder that allows for easy plug in and removal of the ozone palte. It was invented like this for 2 reasons. One, the shorter the distance between the ozone plate and the transformer the less electricity loss. Secondly, safety. The two red high voltage wires, if they touch, or come loose, can cause a fire hazard. If the solder (or in with some others such as this one cement) comes loose from the plate or white base, that live wire also presents a shock hazard. Those things are not an issue with our proprietary design.

If someone does utilize these devices, they place them on concrete and they don’t run them for very long. They’re sure to over heat in no time!

UPDATE: They took our advise and changed the column separators to metal. GOOD JOB! That helps with that issue. They still cement the wires to the ozone plates with a white cement that’s not available to consumers in the USA. Those transformers are basically disposable once the plates go bad, and based on the design, the plates are sure to crack and start sparking within no time, especially if the users run them for more than 10-20 minutes. Buyer beware!


I’ve been getting 10-15 calls a week lately out of nowhere (used to get zero) about skin mite infestations and how our products are being used to treat the condition. What’s going on out there???  I thought I’d blog about this to pass along the feedback our customers have been giving me and offer an exclusive deal to help fight this menacing condition. 

1) Do ozone shock treatments in your living area and car.  One hour every 4 or 5 hours spaced apart for a week will kill any mite on any surface.

 2) Attack the mites on your skin with a triad of lethal mite killing weapons:  ozonated water, ozonated oil, and ozone from the end of a silicone tube to pound them relentlessly until you are 100% mite free. 

 Our DIGITAL WATER OZONATOR or our 1000 MG/H WATER AND OIL OZONATOR should be used for ozone baths and to shoot air ozone directly onto the infected areas (while outdoors or in an area with proper ventilation so that you don’t breath the ozone) and also to make ozonated oil. The ozonated oil should be applied just before you go to sleep. During the day you can attack the mites with the ozone water, at night, hit them with the highly ozonated oil you create with our water ozonator.  You can’t buy ozonated oil with a high ozone concentration because the ozone in the oil will revert to oxygen in 40 minutes at room temps. Sure, the oil will still smell like ozone, but will it have any ozone? No. The nature of ozone is to be very unstable at room temps and revert to oxygen, regardless of the media, air, water or oil. However, you can make your own ozonated oil with our 1000 mg/h ozonator with a fan.  (We give detailed instructions on how to do it)  I’ve found that oil made using our protocol stays for months in the fridge, and has excellent therapeutic qualities.  Research the oils before making them; some are not for human consumption (tea tree for instance). They’re only useful for skin ointments. 

If you feel sorry for mites, then you might want to reconsider using ozone to attack them from 3 fronts, the poor little devils won’t stand a chance!  But if you’re tired of having them wreak havoc upon your health, NUKE THEM WITH ULTRA HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF OZONE!  Going room by room won’t work, you need a whole home solution, and we have the best deals on entire home commercial ozone generators bar none!

What is The Cheapest Way to Clean Your Air?

Before I started Forever Ozone I was an IAQ tester and seller of air purifiers online.  Most of the people had air purifiers, yet the dust ratings just 5 feet from their tabletop machines was off the charts, almost as if an air purifier wasn’t even present.  Why?  We’re always kicking up dust as we move around.  Also, you need to move a lot of air to move the dust from point A near your roof to point B (the air purifier) and guess what?  Air purifiers have 100 CFM fans (like most ozone machines) that are virtually worthless at churning the air. Worst of all, they’re a waste of money (replacement filters and wasted electricity).  That’s adding insult to injury!  

 So what do I recommend for improving indoor air quality and removing dust? (what do I do?)

 1) I run my HVAC fan 24/7 and replace the furnace filters ever 20-30 days with MERV 11 filters (Pay around $5 a piece because I buy them by the case on ebay)  HVAC fans are usually 100-200 Watts so they won’t break the bank when it comes to increased electricity charges. 

2) I have a UVC Induct air sanitizer in my HVAC system to zap any viruses, pathogens or molds that happen to get through the filters. I’ve also installed a nano TIO2 mesh filter I sold back in the day around the UVC lamp for added hydroxyl radical oxidizers that are not harmful to breath and to increase the sanitation effect. (we have dogs) 

3) I use a vacuum cleaner that pulls the dirt into water instead of a bag so that when I have my place vacuumed, it doesn’t fill the air with dust.  I bought it off Craigslist for $100, brand new they’re $500 (Hyla Brand) 

 4) Whenever I leave the house I put fido in the back yard and conduct a 1 hr ozone shock treatment to zap any surface viruses, bacteria etc and to kill the dust mites and inactivate their feces. (yuck!)  Bug feces is the #1 allergen I encountered in “sick homes” that were making people sick. Dust won’t make you sick per se but inhaling biologically harmful material ….not good, to say the least. 

Solution to our Toxic World? Ozone!

If you’re young, you need to ask someone about the “GOOD OLD DAYS”. This thing we call “progress,” is it progress or has this world gone crazy? The EWG conducted a study that found that babies these days are being developed in the presence of HIGH LEVELS OF TOXINS

Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause congenital disabilities or abnormal development in animal tests. 

The widespread use of chemicals and chemical coated substances are finding their way into our food, water, and bodies. Water is an essential element of life. Unfortunately, because of our highly pharma dependent society in the USA, our tap water is full of ESTROGEN, PHARMA DRUGS, AND TOXIC CHEMICALS. Worst of all, GMO’s and gene editing. Did you know ozone can help remove these things from tap water? (READ STUDY) If you drink tap water, ozonating it before consumption, especially in specific geographic areas, is well advised. Before you eat your food, you would be wise to ozonate it first. Ozone can remove pesticides and kill harmful micro-pathogens. If you have any illness, you’d be well advised to fast for a few weeks and drink plenty of ozonated water (and do ozone enemas) to help detoxify your system. (and then avoid all GMO’s and processed foods afterward) The healthiest diet is rich in “good fats” and very limited in carbs (sugar) based on everything I’ve researched and learned in my life. 

We live in a toxic world. Performing periodic detoxes, drinking clean, structured water, eating good food, getting plenty of sun, and exercise I believe is essential to maintaining good health. Ozone therapy, according to research, is a good way of stimulating your immune system so and helping in the detox process. Do your own research on ozone and as always, consult your doctor before you start any new health-related regimen.

Disclaimer: In the USA, the FDA has not approved ozone for medical use. If you have any questions about using ozone, please talk to your doctor or health professional. Ozone is not for breathing! Breathing high concentrations of ozone can harm your lungs (see EPA warning on ozone air purifiers) We do not sell ozone air purifiers. We only sell commercial ozone generators for use by Contractors (or homeowners acting as contractors) to ‘shock’ the air in unoccupied areas ONLY! Please use as directed for air shock treatments, and only if you feel you can competently follow instructions.

Gargle with Ozone for Gum, Heart Health

Here is great research (FULL LINK) regarding ozone and how it combats gum disease: 

 What biological actions take place when ozone is consumed? 

 “The application of ozone in dentistry comes as a result of physicochemical properties: There are several known actions of ozone on the human body, such as immunostimulating and analgesic, antihypoxic and detoxicating, antimicrobial, bioenergetic and biosynthetic (activation of the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) etc. [6]

1. Antimicrobial effect- Ozone works destructively against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The antimicrobial effect of ozone is a result of its action on cells by damaging its cytoplasmic membrane due to ozonolysis of dual bonds and also ozone-induced modification of intracellular contents (oxidation of proteins loss of organelle function) because of secondary oxidants effects. This action is non-specific and selective to microbial cells; it does not damage human body cells because of their major antioxidative ability. Ozone is very efficient in antibiotics resistant strains. Its antimicrobial activity increases in the liquid environment of the acidic pH. In viral infections, the ozone action lies in the intolerance of infected cells to peroxides and change of activity of reverse transcriptase, which takes part in the synthesis of viral proteins. [6] Being a very strong oxidant it joins with biomolecules containing cysteine, cysteine, methionine, histidine (all being part of bacterial cell membranes. The main targets of their attack are the thiol groups of the amino acid cysteine. As a result of the reaction of ozone with unsaturated fatty acids of a lipid sheath of a virus the lipid sheath of a virus melts. The research shows that a few-second-application of ozone stops all vital functions of bacteria which are incapable of developing any self-immunity to its action. Gram+ (Gram-positive) bacteria are more sensitive to the action of ozone than Gram– (Gram-negative) bacteria. Oxygen-free bacteria react with ozone as well. Among cariogenic bacteria streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus are the most sensitive. Ozone easily acts on multi unsaturated fatty acids which occur in virus sheaths. Ozone reacts also with ascorbinians and tocopherols. [7]

2. Immunostimulating Effect- Ozone influences cellular and humoral immune system. It stimulates proliferation of immunocompetent cells and synthesis of immunoglobulins. It also activates function of macrophages and increases the sensitivity of micro-organisms to phagocytosis. [6] As a response to this activation through ozone, the body’s immune cells produce special messengers called cytokines. These molecules, in turn, activate other immune cells, setting off a cascade of positive change throughout the immune system, which is stimulated to resist diseases. This means that the application of medical ozone is extremely useful for immune activation in patients with a low immune status and/or immune deficit. [8] Ozone causes the synthesis of biologically active substances such as interleukins, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins which is beneficial in reducing inflammation and wound healing. [6] Ozone in high concentration causes immunodepressive effect whereas in its low concentration immunostimulating effect. [7]

3. Antihypoxic effect- Ozone brings about the rise of pO2 in tissues and improves transportation of oxygen in the blood, which results in a change of cellular metabolism – activation of aerobic processes (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, β-oxidation of fatty acids) and use of energetic resources. Repeating low doses of ozone activate enzymes: super-oxide dismutases, catalases, dehydrogenase, and glutatione peroxidases. They are part of complex enzymatic systems which protect organisms against the action of oxygen-free radicals. It also prevents the formation of erythrocytes aggregates and increases their contact surface for oxygen transportation. Its ability to stimulate the circulation is used in the treatment of circulatory disorders and makes it valuable in the revitalizing organic functions. [6] Ozone improves the metabolism of inflamed tissues by increasing their oxygenation and reducing local inflammatory processes. By changing the cell membrane structure of erythrocytes and causing the increase of its negative charge it influences the structural change as well as blood cell elasticity. This, in consequence, reduces blood cell rolling and enables blood flow in capillary vessels. By increasing the concentration of 2,3 Diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), ozone changes the configuration of erythrocytes, which enables them to return oxygen in the inflamed tissue. [7]

4. Biosynthetic Effect- It activates mechanisms of protein synthesis, increases the amount of ribosomes and mitochondria in cells. These changes on the cellular level explain elevation of functional activity and regeneration potential of tissues and organs. [6]

5. Ozone causes the secretion of vasodilators such as NO, which is responsible for the dilatation of arterioles and venules. [6] It also activates angiogenesis. [7]

6. Ozone, when acting on the organic substance of mineralized tooth tissues intensifies their remineralization potential. At the same time, it is capable of “opening” dentinal tubules, which enables the diffusion of calcium and phosphorus ions to the deeper layers of carious cavities. [9]

A high concentration of ozone kills bacteria very quickly and is a thousand times more powerful than other bacterial killing agents. The average concentration of ozone used in treatments is 25 gm of ozone per milliliter of oxygen/ozone gas mixture that translates into 0.25 parts of ozone to 99.75 parts of oxygen. Evidence-based research has shown that at this concentration, ozone effectively kills bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. [10] As an antimicrobial agent, it is a powerful oxidizer at a dramatically lower concentration than chlorine with none of the toxic side effects. One molecule of ozone is equal to between 3,000 to 10,000 molecules of chlorine and it kills pathogenic organisms 3,500 times faster. [10] Studies have revealed that it only takes 10 sec to kill 99 % of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. [11] It can oxidize many organic compounds and it is a powerful germicide. [12] Some of the other effects are the circulatory enhancement, disruption of tumor metabolism, and stimulation of oxygen metabolism. [13]

According to most authors, a 10-sec-application of ozone causes the destruction of 99% of bacteria, and a 20-sec-application even of 99.9%. In this way, the so-called ecological niche appears.

However, it is not conducive to their repeated colonization within 4 to 6 weeks. [14,15] Ozone is not toxic when it is given in the amount of 0.05 ppm for 8 hours. During ozone therapy, a maximum concentration of ozone in the oral cavity amounts to 0.01 ppm.”

To view the references, refer to the link at the top of the page for the original content. I’ve read other studies that concur with the findings listed here, some even finding that ozone kills simple celled viruses and bacteria in as little as 2-3 seconds. Bottom line, the more you know, the more you realize that you and everyone else should be taking advantage of this incredible molecule known as ozone on a daily basis, and enjoying the benefits. 

Disclaimer: In the USA, the FDA has not approved ozone for medical use. If you have any questions about using ozone, please talk to your doctor or health professional. Ozone is not for breathing! Breathing high concentrations of ozone can harm your lungs (see EPA warning on ozone air purifiers) We do not sell ozone air purifiers. We only sell commercial ozone generators for use by Contractors (or homeowners acting as contractors) to ‘shock’ the air in unoccupied areas ONLY! Please use as directed for air shock treatments, and only if you feel you can competently follow instructions.

How Ozone Kills Parasites, Viruses, and Bacteria

When you have a viral or bacterial infection, everyone in the know can agree that oxygen is one of the most important things your body needs to heal tissue and fight the disease. Ozone, or three oxygen atoms, is toxic to viruses but harmless to your cells and has even been shown to boost immune function. With bacteria, ozone heals the body by puncturing the membrane of the bacteria, causing it to “blow up” and spill its contents. With viruses, ozone destroys the virus’s outer shell and wreaks havoc on the RNA and DNA of the virus so that it dies or can no longer reproduce. Ozone is actually 10 times faster than chlorine at killing germs, yet it’s harmless to the surrounding cells. Our bodies are made to handle oxygen; however, they’re not prepared to handle the lack of oxygen. 


Are Ozone Air Purifiers Safe?

The California ARB board passed a law making it illegal to buy or sell ozone air purifiers in their state. also; protect little old ladies from unscrupulous air purifier vendors who fob off ozone generators as air purifiers which according to them create stage 2 smog alert levels of ozone indoors and can cause permanent harm to granny’s lungs. Are they right or wrong to deny California citizens the right to possess an ozone-producing air purifier? 

Before I got into the ozone business, I sold air purifiers and even spent some time testing the indoor air for an environmental testing company. I studied and learned all about indoor air pollutants, VOC’s, even some disgusting information on the types of biological “crap” that hotel visitors unwittingly breath in (almost always) because hotels don’t clean comforters often, and sometimes semen turns into dust …you get the picture. Anyway, I learned that ozone breaks down those biological agents into inert dust that will not trigger an allergic reaction among those with a deficient immune system. Fecal dust from dust mites floating around, mold spores, the organic human material floating around, VOC’s from cleaning agents thrown into the mix not to mention all of the toxins in our garden variety air pollution and you realize why indoor air is even more harmful to breathe than our polluted outdoor air. So what does the ARB want California residents to do? Buy expensive HEPA filters that won’t do a thing to address the toxic crap in the air and frankly doesn’t even do a good job at removing dust? (air purifiers lack the air moving ability needed to churn the air and draw the dust near the roof down to the filter intake slot of the air purifier).  

Why is ozone called a toxic gas, even smog? Simple. Draw attention away from the taxpaying industries that pollute our air towards ozone, which nature created to rid the air of pollution. We’d all die if we didn’t have ozone “down-low” to oxidize and destroy pollutants near ground level. When there is a lot of pollution in the air, there will be a lot of ozone present doing its thing; getting rid of the pollutants. Instead of measuring the pollutants our authorities measure the ozone in the air and call it “ozone smog”.  

Who is really to blame for smog? Older commercial trucks and buses that are not required to have emissions controls. Years ago I lobbied California lawmakers to mandate that ALL trucks and buses no matter how old be required to possess emissions control devices and suggested the state subsidize 90% of the cost to achieve that goal and partner with factories in China to get those devices made for pennies on the dollar. It was a good idea that was shot down by lobbyists for the trucking and bus industries. 

We agree that ozone air purifiers are dangerous and ineffective. They create enough ozone to harm one’s lungs but not enough ozone to sanitize the air. As they say in California (and Family Guy), NO BUENO! Ozone is fantastic for high concentration ozone shock treatments in occupied structures. What is the best way to transform your toxic indoor air into dust-free, mold, virus and allergen-free fresh air? Here is the protocol I feel is a sound solution to indoor air pollution in California and anywhere. If one were to flow this indoor air cleaning protocol I can’t see how it would not positively impact your health and the health of your family:

1) Your HVAC system fan is under 200 watts, doesn’t waste that much electricity. When on, it draws all the air in your residence over a furnace filter THREE TIMES an hour! Leave the “fan” feature on 24/7 and change your furnace filter every 3-4 weeks. (It will become black …better it than your lungs!)

2) Utilize a MERV 11 FURNACE FILTER. eBay sells them for around $5 each if you buy 12. Great deal, can’t beat it with a stick. 

3) Install a 16″ UVC SYSTEM and place some type of nano tio2 filter nearby to create hydroxyl radicals, short-lived but powerful oxidizers that along with the UV rays will kill any biological material as it passes by, even mold spores and viruses. 

4) Perform a 1-hour weekly ozone shock treatment with 1000 mg/h per 100 sq ft when nobody is home. Place ozone machines ever 20 feet or so and one near the air return. The aforementioned will kill dust mites and neutralize their fecal remains and the poop from roaches and other bugs, a significant source of allergens indoors. We all shed 3 lbs of dead skin a year, and that’s what dust mites eat, so we all have dust mites. Some of us just choose to breathe their fecal remains, and some of us don’t. 

Besides doing those things, never clean with chemicals, use Simple Green or some vinegar and essential oil-based cleaners (look up green cleaners). NEVER use air fresheners. Febreze has over 70 known indoor air pollutants, and even one carcinogen. How they can sell that as something that doesn’t just cover up odors but eliminates them when in fact they are causing indoor air pollution is beyond me. Maybe they have friends in high places so I better shut up. If my website goes down tomorrow you’ll know why, lol. 

One last word on this subject. Every year cheaply built ozone generators typically sold for under $100 and which look like air purifiers are mistaken for air purifiers, usually by a relative visiting from out of town to spend the night in your mountain cabin for instance, and the result is a coughing fit and chest pain, not good. If someone falls asleep with one of these 3500 mg/h so-called “ozone air purifiers” running in a bedroom, the ozone concentrations can reach over 6 ppm and do some severe damage to the lungs of a sleeping person. Most litigation involving ozone generators deals with this particular scenario. I only bring this up because our ozone shock treatment machines can never be mistaken for an air purifier. Due to their open design, it’s easy to remove the ozone plates and store them in a safe location away from kids so that even if the machine is plugged in, it can’t produce ozone.