Category: Health Related

Does an Ozone Shock Treatment Kill Surface Viruses? US Army Says Yes.

Does an Ozone Shock Treatment Kill Surface Viruses? US Army Says Yes.

If you search “Forever Ozone” in the search engines undoubtedly you seen that nasty letter the FTC sent me last March at the beginning of this planned takedown of our our old way of life and our freedoms for simply linking to a new article from a Spanish hospital in Ibiza which claimed that their 10 pass ozone therapy was being used successfully to prevent Covid deaths. Before they started using ozone treatments on critical patients, they were losing 10 people a day. After that, they didn’t lose one person. They didn’t call it a cure but they suggested that ozone therapy for Covid patients should be further investigated. My provocative Blog post asking if ozone therapy was a cure for Covid drew a swift response by our government, and I had 48 hours to remove the post or have the Feds take down my website and put me out of business, even lock me up.

When the US gov asks you to jump. You don’t say no. You ask how high if you know what’s good for you. I’m not stupid. I have no illusions. I know that you can’t beat a world gov on a mission to achieve a planned end. However. As one who likes to share the truth regardless of the consequence, here I go again. Pushing the envelope. But this time, I have an ally in the US Army. You see, their own study found that an ozone shock treatment kills surface Covid! Their words, not mine. Here’s their Pfg on this subject (click here)

Of course they list the studies from the FDA in their literature that suggest ozone is bad for breathing (true) and that it’s dangerous if not used correctly (also true) I agree with all of those statements. However, nobody is suggesting you breath the ozone from the commercial machines I sell! They’re used to DISINFECT AND SANTIZE UNOCCUPIED AREAS! And yes, ozone kills surface viruses and bacteria. This has been known FOR MANY YEARS VIA MANY STUDIES!

As is with everything, there is a right and wrong way to do something. It is true that some sellers of ozone generators wrongly suggest running their ozone generators for 12-24 hours at a time. They sell ozone plate technology that gets hot and stops producing pure ozone after a few minutes. The right way is to do SHORT HIGH CONCENTRATION ozone shock treatments that don’t give the ozone time to interact with the many different substrates found inside a structure (and reach the flash point where they break them down and potentially create harmful byproducts.) Studies suggest that takes many hours. Solution. DO SHORT OZONE SHOCK TREATMENTS!

The Forever Ozone Shock Treatment Protocol we developed over the years, via trial and error, does the job of killing ‘the bad guys” without interacting with your indoor belongings! Basically, we have our machines run for 30 minutes on, one hour off. The ozone will break down into oxygen after about 40 minutes then the process of shocking can continue if needed, but for ridding an area of surface viruses and bacteria, 30 minutes with 10,000 mg/h per 1000 square feet is more than enough. It is my opinion that this should be done on a nightly basis in all schools. All offices. All businesses. And weekly in all residences. Schools especially! Studies conducted in the early 1900’s found that schools that did nightly ozone shock treatments had vastly fewer sick days for students and teachers than schools that did not do night ozone shock treatments. The reason? Mold. The mold was making people sick in the un-ozonated schools. As a bonus, they found the better air quality lead to higher test scores in the ozonated schools. Imagine that! Talk about win-win. Why doesn’t every school district know this and call us to get our ozone machines from me at price to help their kids? I’d love to help. But all I get is pushback from our gov. Wonder why?

(Here is the write-up I found in a local newspaper about ozone in St Louis schools. On page 340.) I quote:

Ozone in the St. Louis Schools.-

After preliminary studies and tests made on a number of persons with ozone concentration many times that for ventilation, ozone machines have been installed in the air ducts of a number of the school buildings of St. Louis. The first machine was installed in the O’Fallon School in 1919. The effects on the comfort and health of teachers and pupils were so marked that in the summer of 1920 ozone machines were installed in thirteen old schools and put in the specifications of three new ones. In most instances the principals and teachers were not apprised of the change in the ventilation, in order that psychology might not figure in the results. The most beneficial results were noticeable in a few weeks. Teachers volunteered the information that pale and anemic children had gained in weight and that the new ventilation relieved the fatigue of the day’s work.

Hundreds of visitors have visited the schools where this ventilation has been installed. To those who are not fully convinced of the
merits of ozone in ventilation, an invitation is extended to visit the schools of St. Louis and make such tests as may seem desirable
where the facilities for such are so large.

Jour. Am. Soc. of Heat.-Vent. Engineers, January, 1922.

Dangers of Tap Water.

Why? RO filters develop bacteria pretty quickly (dark, wet place) To ensure clean water even after RO, you should ozonate it for about a minute per liter with our 1000 mg/h ozonators. Afterward, I put something called “Trace Minerals ConcenTrace” to replace the good electrolytes. I put it in a glass pitcher with a big smiley face I drew on the side and the words “love – good health.” Why? Structure the water with positive frequencies

Tap water contains is part of reclaimed toilet water. Sick, right? Environmental Work Group found sex hormones, pharma drugs, even Prozac in city tap water. Estrogen is troubling enough but anti-depressants? Yep. Click here to see what poisons they’ve found in your water. 

Love Dogs but Not Dirty Dog Odors? We Have a Solution.

I had a nice lady in Newport Beach call today to see what I recommend for making her house smell like a fresh mountain meadow despite the fact it now smells like a barn because her kids aren’t properly cleaning their dogs. She has company coming this weekend and wants to find a quick solution. Here is a solution I shared with her and I know works because I’m using it myself now that I find myself living in a home with 2 dogs. 

First, I put a blanket that gets washed often on the couches so that they don’t absorb the plethora of bacteria their backsides harbor. Secondly, the floors now get swept and mopped every day. Thirdly, while the dogs are getting walked (for at least one hour a day) the house gets a 15-minute ozone shock treatment. (the ozone lingers for another 30-40 minutes) Lastly, I am using the ozone air purifier I recently added to our offering myself to keep the air smelling mountain fresh despite our dogs. I program it conservatively to turn on for 5 seconds every 3 minutes which is just enough ozone to make it smell like a fresh mountain meadow but not enough ozone to get above .002 ppm, well below the .01 ppm EPA guideline. If I cook fish, which I often do, I bump it up to 30 seconds every 3 minutes for an hour or so, then go back to the 5-second program. 

I know that there is a lot of controversy about breathing ozone, but the fact is that studies have found that breathing low levels of ozone is good for you. In Europe, doctors often tell their patients to take their kids with asthma to the mountains for the holidays to allow their lungs to heal with the elevated ozone levels (and smog-free air.) Breathing city air, smog, the stuff ozone breaks down (why there is a lot of ozone in the air when there is a lot of smog in the air) is harmful to the lungs. Breathing fresh clean pollution-free air with a little ozone, on the other hand, is great for the lungs. Our lungs can handle oxygen, and the simple fact is that we now breath 1/2 of the oxygen content we used to breathe thousands of years ago before we replaced everything green with concrete, buildings, and asphalt and even worse, allowed the Amazon rain forests to be burnt down. Now our air only has about 21% oxygen. Bumping up our oxygen uptake with a small amount of ozone isn’t bad for you, I believe it promotes good health, and the science I’ve read on the subject confirms my beliefs. Yes, for asthmatics and people with COPD or other lung issues, breathing elevated ozone levels is not advisable, and I don’t advise that. The simple fact, however, is that ozone is ‘self-regulating’ in the sense it tells you it you’re breathing too much by making you cough. If you cough around ozone, turn off the ozone machine or get out of the area! Simple as that. However, if you don’t cough with a small amount of ozone in the air, and it makes you feel good? Know what? It’s promoting good health. 

Another solution I also use it to clean my pets backside with ozone water after they do a #2. I do this several times a day. They don’t seem to mind it, I think they like it and appreciate my Mike’s Magic Butt Cleaning Service. (Franchise opportunities available, lol) How is this done? I just bubble ozone into a 16 oz of water for five minutes with our 1g ozone generator, I then pour the highly ozonated water into the ozone proof sprayer we sell and spray away with a fine mist right where the sun don’t shine on my kid’s dogs. I do this at least one time a day before they get in bed with my kids. (disgusting, I know, but they insist) I like to do have it done to the dogs after they go #2, but then again, I’m a little OCD about bacteria. Call me weird, I don’t care. I think ozone is why I haven’t aged much or been sick in 10 years. 

Airborne viruses, molds, fungus, bacteria, chemtrails, pollution, etc don’t like it when you introduce a small amount of ozone into the air. So if you love your dogs, but want your home smelling clean, fresh, with not even a hint of dirty dog, consider our fresh clean air solution. (or the tush cleaning solution, lol)  

Killing Mold with Ozone.

If your home smells musty, you have mold. The first thing you should do is invest in a de-humidifier.  I like the ones that can attach to a hose (that is connected to a drain) so that you don’t have to constantly change a bucket.  The second thing you should do is utilize ozone shock treatments to kill surface molds as well as airborne mold spores. 


If you have surface mold, the first thing you should probably do is test to make sure it’s not the toxic variety.  If it is, then you need to contact your insurance company and if you’re a renter, an attorney. Toxic mold is nothing to blow-off. The implications can be deadly. 

If you have regular mold, and your place smells musty, then you should go on the offensive.  Your battle plan should look like this:  1) Get a de-humidifier and get the humidity level to 30% or lower. 2) Perform several ozone shock treatments to kill the airborne mold spores and kill any surface molds. This will also kill the dust mites and neutralize their feces (major indoor air allergen).  3) Moving forward, perform daily ozone shock treatments of one hour when nobody is home. 4) Consider getting an in-duct UVC system for your HVAC system.  


Our “cost per milligram of ozone” is the lowest yet we have the best warranty (lifetime) and service (we answer the phone).  This is important because you need a lot of ozone power, at least 30,000 mg/h to treat a 1500 or so square foot home with 50% humidity levels, and you need to be able to move a lot of air.  Why? Ozone production is reduced by 50% at 50% humidity.  Professionals that get paid thousands of dollars to do ozone shock treatments come in with 2 times that, or 60,000 mg/h, but that’s because they want to make sure the job is done right the first time, and time is of the essence.

Traditional ozone generators only have a 100 CFM fan. That’s not enough to “churn” the air and create untra high concentrations of ozone.  Ozone generators convert oxygen in the air into ozone, and without a high CFM fan, they just create an ozone cloud near the unit.   Our 30,000 ($219),  50,000 ($329) or 80,000 mg/h ($579) commercial ozone generator kits feature 3000-4000 CFM commercial metal blade fans that can blast high concentrations of ozone towards the roof. Since ozone is heavier than air, the air near the roof will be forced down to ground level where it will quickly be ozonated by our 3 to 8 ozone generator fan kits.  Using traditional ozone generators will freshen the air, but if you want to kill mold like a pro, you need professional ozone shock treatment equipment, and Forever Ozone has proprietary equipment that is at the top of the class at creating high ozone concentrations fast.

Ozone for Food Preservation. (And Removing Toxic Pesticides)

This is one of the hundreds of research papers made touting the virtues of ozone in reducing food spoilage and sanitizing produce by breaking down pesticides and killing bacteria and viruses among other things. The narrative pushed by the Search Engines and Air Purifier hucksters is that ozone is toxic, ozone is smog, ozone is dangerous, but the truth is the opposite! You know, the Bible said that in the last days, good would be called bad and bad would be called good. Ozone is not toxic! Ozone is God’s gift to mankind to DESTROY the dangerous pathogens that rob us of health! The only way to counter misinformation is with the truth. I will continue to shout the virtues of ozone from the rooftop (my blog) to help counter the ever so ubiquitous disinformation campaign against ozone. It’s a worthy cause! Here is the article FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION WITH OZONATION

Ozone, first discovered in 1840 (Schonbein), began being utilized as a disinfection agent in the production of potable water in France in the early 1900.s. The majority of early development was limited to Europe where it became more widely used in drinking water treatment. The potential utility of ozone to the food industry lies in the fact that ozone is 52% stronger than chlorine and has been shown to be effective over a much wider spectrum of microorganisms than chlorine and other disinfectants. Complementing the effectiveness is the fact that ozone, unlike other disinfectants, leaves no chemical residual and degrades to molecular oxygen upon reaction or natural degradation. The fact that ozone has a relatively short half‐life is both an asset and a liability to practitioners. This is particularly true in the treatment of drinking water where ozonation is employed to enhance filtration and provide primary disinfection but requires the addition of chlorine as the terminal disinfectant to maintain the residual in the distribution system. Ozone is effective in killing microorganisms through oxidation of their cell membranes and most of the pathogenic, foodborne microbes are susceptible to this oxidizing effect. During food processing operations, surface disinfection of the product (raw or partially processed) is very important. This is supported by the following statistics:   (ozone removes pesticides

An estimated 30% of fresh produce is lost by microbial spoilage from the time of harvest, through handling, storage, processing, transportation, shelving and delivery to the consumer (Beuchat 1991). 

The USDA estimates the costs associated with foodborne illness to be in the range of $ 5.5 billion to $ 22 billion per year. In recent years, increasing attention has been focused on the safety of fruits and vegetables, and in particular on the intervention methods to reduce and eliminate human pathogens from fresh produce. Traditional technology utilizes water with or without a sanitizing agent to wash fresh fruits and vegetables. Chlorine is the most widely used sanitizing agent available for fresh produce, but it has a limited effect in killing bacteria on fruit and vegetable surfaces. The most that can be expected at permitted concentrations is a 1‐ to 2‐log population reduction (Sapers, 1998). Furthermore, the environmental and health communities have expressed concerns about the residual by‐products of chlorine. An alternative treatment is being sought to improve food safety. Research and commercial applications have verified that ozone can replace traditional sanitizing agents and provide other benefits (Bott, 1991; Cena, 1998; Graham, 1997). Many research and industrial trials are underway to validate the use of ozone in the produce industry. Several meetings on this topic have been sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), including a “Conference on Ozone for Processing Fresh‐Cut Fruit and Vegetables” in April 1998 and an “Ozone Workshop” in May 1998. The produce industry is very interested in this technology. However, many questions still have not been resolved, since experience in commercial application in the United States is lacking (Graham, 1997)


 One way to maintain or even improve the safety of fresh produce is to wash vegetables and fruits using ozonated water (Hampson and Fiori, 1997). Two types of washing systems, spray and flume, can be used to reduce microbial counts on the surface of produce. Kim et al. (1999) used ozonated water to wash shredded lettuce. They injected 1.3 mM of ozone at a flow rate of 0.5 L/min into a water/ lettuce mixture (1:20, w/w) with highspeed stirring or before stomaching for 3 min and obtained about 2 log cfu/g reductions in total plate counts. Kondo et al. (1989) obtained >90% reduction of total bacterial counts for Chinese cabbage by this method. Ozone is particularly effective against E. coli, the food pathogen of most concern to the produce industry.


Ozone can be employed in cold storage of produce to guard against mold and bacteria at a very low concentration. It can not only destroy mold and bacteria in the air and on the surface of produce but also deodorize (Rice et al., 1982). Many early studies used gaseous ozone to prevent microbial activity on food surfaces and extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Since 1933, numerous experiments have been done on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including apples, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberry, broccoli, pears, cranberries, oranges, peaches, grapes, corn, and soybeans (Perkins, 1997; EPRI, 1997). Barth et al. (1995) assessed ozone exposure on storage of thornless blackberries. Blackberries were harvested and stored at 2oC in air with 0.3 ppm ozone. Fungal development was suppressed, while 20% of control fruits showed decay. Ozone treatment did not cause observable injury defects, and surface color was retained for 12 days. Gaseous ozone treatment could be a good choice for extending the shelf life of strawberries because they are easily damaged by water. Ewell (1940) indicated that the shelf life of strawberries, raspberries, currents, and grapes could be doubled if 2–3 ppm of gaseous ozone is applied continuously for a few hours per day. However, Norton et al. (1968) concluded that 0.6 ppm of ozone at 60oC caused damage on Early Black and Howes varieties of cranberries. Further studies are needed using low temperature to confirm whether ozone can control fungus with a less detrimental effect. Kuprianoff (1953) found that the shelf life of apples could be increased by several weeks by applying 2–3 cm3 of ozone/m3 of air a few hours a day. However, ozone concentrations of 10 cm3/m3 resulted in apple damage. Baranovskaya et al. (1979) pointed out that the shelf life of potatoes could be extended to as long as 6 mo at 6–14oC and 93–97% relative humidity with 3 ppm of ozone, without affecting the potato quality. One of the important effects of ozone in cold storage is to slow down the fruit and vegetable ripening process. During ripening, many fruits, such as bananas and apples, release ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process. Ozone is very effective in removing ethylene through chemical reaction to extend the storage life of many fruits and vegetables (Rice et al., 1982): H2C=CH2 + O3 CO2 + H2O


It is estimated that more than 50 billion gallons of fresh water are used by the produce industry annually (Carawan, 1999). A need exists to decrease the quantity of water used, because of dramatically rising water and wastewater treatment costs, difficulties in obtaining large water volumes, highly variable water supplies, and problems of wastewater treatment and disposal. Ozone is a perfect candidate for treatment of water for recycling, since it is a powerful oxidizing agent that has been used to disinfect, to remove color, odor, and turbidity, and to reduce the organic loads of wastewater (Geering, 1999; Langlais et al., 1991; Rice, 1999). Williams et al. (1995) reported that a 3‐log reduction of bacteria was achieved when the wash water from carrots was treated by ozone. Piper (1998) showed that tomato washing using ozonated water dramatically improved the bacterial quality. The wash water was recycled at a Very high quality (light transmission >95%, scale formation <0.01 in/year, and corrosion rates less than 5 m/year for mild steel). There are many studies and applications using ozone to recycle processing water in other industries, particularly the poultry industry. Several commercial technologies are currently available, such as the Praxair and Zentox Water‐Treatment Alliance.

Further research is needed on wastewater from the produce industry. The equipment used in ozone applications in the produce industry is relatively simple. Complete ozone systems with water recycling include generators (size depending on the applications), contact tanks, de‐gas system, ozone‐de‐ struct units, filters, ozone monitors, and exhaust system. The system can be designed to fit a small area and can be very easily installed without any major modifications of the processing lines.


Washing of fish with ozonated water extended shelf life for 5 days: Experiments performed by Violle in 1929 found that ozonated seawater spiked with various strains of bacteria (B. typhus, B. coli, etc.) resulted in sterilization that was comparable to what was obtained in fresh water. Further experiments showed that exposure of shellfish to ozonated water did not adversely affect the taste or appearance of the shellfish. Thus, Violle concluded that preozonation of water was suitable treatment for depuration of shellfish. Later work by Salmon and Le Gall (1936) built upon the work of Violle and reported that fresh fish, stored under ozonated ice, were edible for between 12 and 16 days. Fish treated with sterilized ice (presumably hypochlorous acid treated) were inedible after the 12th day and, possibly after the 8th day. The original work in this area was carried further by others and reportedly resulted in the installation of an ozone system designed to sterilize 2000 kg per day in Le Havre and another facility in Boulogne‐sur‐Mer for treating a daily output of 6000 kg.


Gaseous ozone was used as a preservation agent in meat and egg storage: Kuprianoff (1953) reported that the first known use of ozone as a food preservation agent was in Cologne, Germany dating back to 1909. Later industrial applications using gas phase ozone for food preservation were reported in 1924 where Hartman stated that .in cold storage ozone is successfully used to prevent the growth of fungi and eggs have been carried at a relative humidity of 88 and 90 percent and mold developments inhibited with the use of ozone.. Hartman summarized by noting that ozone has manifold applications in cold storage and splendid results are being obtained in practice with this reagent every day..


One of the earliest reported experiments dealing with preservation of fruits was related to ozonation of bananas (Gane ‐ 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936). Since then, numerous studies have been conducted on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables including carrots, broccoli, pears, peaches and apples. The vast majority of these studies have reported some degree of shelf life extension and reduction of pathogenic contamination.


In spite of past regulatory restriction limiting usage of ozone in the U.S. food processing industry, numerous studies were undertaken to determine the efficacy and economics of ozonation. The examples below serve to illustrate some of these studies and conclusions.


Several controlled studies have been reported in the food science literature relating to the evaluation of the treatment of fruits and vegetables with ozonated water. Kondo et al (1989) observed greater than 90% reduction of total bacterial counts upon treatment of Chinese cabbages with ozonated water (2.3 mg/L) for 60 minutes. Treatment of wash water used in the processing of carrots has been reported to provide 3 log reductions of bacteria (Williams et al 1995). Barth et al (1995) evaluated ozone exposure for the prevention of fungal decay on thornless blackberries. The fruit was harvested and stored for 12 days at 2 deg. C in 0.0, 0.1 and 0.3 ppm ozone, then evaluated for fungal decay (Botrytis cinerea), anthocyanines, color and peroxidase activity. Ozone storage uppressed fungal development for 12 days, while 20% of control fruits showed decay. The treated fruit did not show observable injury or defects. Sarig et al (1996) showed that ozone at low dosages (0.1 mg/g fruit) for 20 minutes, reduced the levels of fungi yeasts and bacteria on grapes, but that higher doses caused some fruit damage.


The poultry processing industry is a large volume consumer of water. The potential for reuse of poultry processing water represents an attractive economic benefit to the industry. In 1996 the USDA approved the use of ozonation for washing of poultry carcasses (provided that the ozone did not come into direct contact with the product). Studies by Chang and Sheldon (1989) reported that a combination of screening, diatomaceous earth filtration, and ozonation yielded the highest quality of water with total microbial loads (total coliforms, E. coli and salmonella reduced by 99%). A subsequent study, Chang and Sheldon (1989) found no significant differences in measures of carcass quality including skin color, taste or shelf life using recycled, ozone-treated water as opposed to fresh makeup water. The investigators further reported that a 2.7 log reduction in total plate count was observed in the recycled water stream. The results of this study showed that for a typical broiler processing plant (240,000 broilers/day) the savings resulting from chiller water reuse would equate to 50% reduction in discharges and savings of more than $ 45,000 per year.


The following are a sampling of studies directed at the application of gaseous ozone in food Storage facilities.

A 1980 study (Gabriel.yants.) showed that cheese stored with periodic ozonation prevented mold growth for 4 months while controls showed mold growth as soon as 1 month.

Japanese researchers indicated good results in the treatment of grains, flour and raw noodles with ozone with significant reductions in microbial growth.

Dondo et al (1992) reported that ozone treatment during refrigerated storage stabilized the surface bacteria count on beef and reduced that on fish.

Naitoh (1989) showed that ozone treatment inside a confectionery factory reduced airborne microorganisms over a 1 ‐ 1.5 year period, remarkably. Inhibited bacterial growth and extended the storage life of the product by 7 days.


In the past two decades, the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in the U.S. has dramatically increased. In the meantime, the incidence of foodborne illness due to food pathogens, chemicals, and wastewater has greatly increased. This has been drawing significant public and government attention. The number of produce‐associated foodborne disease outbreaks and the number of cases of illness due to food pathogens have significantly increased in recent years (Tauxe et al., 1997). Moreover, losses in the fresh produce industry that are attributable to microbial spoilage between the time of harvest and consumption are estimated to be as high as 30% (Beuchat, 1991). Chlorine is commonly used in the fresh fruit and vegetable industry to improve microbiological quality and control pathogens. However, many research studies have indicated that it is limited in its ability to kill bacteria on fruit and vegetable surfaces (Bott, 1991; Cena, 1998; Graham, 1997; Rice et al., 1982; Sapers, 1998). Environmental and health organizations have expressed concerns with traditional sanitizing agents with respect to the formation of by‐products, such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and other chemical residues formed in the wastewater returned to the environment (Anonymous, 1998; Cena, 1998; EPRI, 1997; Graham, 1997). The produce industry is concerned about the possibility of future regulatory constraints on the use of chlorine as a sanitation agent. Large amounts of pesticides have been used annually to control insects on fruits and vegetables (Ong et al., 1995). Current technologies cannot totally destroy the chemical residues on the surface of fruits and vegetables. These chemical residues may react with pesticides to form chemical by‐products. These residues ultimately will be consumed by customers and may, directly and indirectly, affect public health. An accumulation of toxic chemicals in the environment has increased the national focus on the safe use of disinfectants, sanitizers, bleaching agents, and other chemicals in the food processing industry. The produce industry is one of the largest and most important contributors to the world economy. It also generates billions of gallons of wastewater annually, with very high concentrations of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical residues each year in the U.S. These wastewaters have been linked to many serious problems such as cancer, fish death, water pollution, psychological and physiological diseases, and ecosystem damage. Moreover, the produce industry is paying heavy charges and surcharges for discharging wastewater into public water and wastewater treatment systems (Carawan, 1999). In response to the public concerns about food safety, the President of the United States and Congress issued a new federal initiative in 1997—the President’s Food Safety Initiative—to improve the nation’s food safety system and our environment. One of the approaches to improve food safety is to identify an alternative sanitizer to replace traditional sanitizing agents which can also be used to treat or recycle food processing wastewater. Research and commercial applications have indicated that ozone can replace chlorine with more benefits. In 1997, ozone was self‐affirmed as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) as a disinfectant for foods by an independent panel of experts sponsored by EPRI (Graham, 1997). This self‐affirmation was timely for the produce industry in light of the President’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Initiative. The produce industry is very interested in the use of ozone and would like to know how, when, and where to apply it.


The potential utility of ozone in the produce industry depends on the fact that as an oxidizing agent, it is 1.5 times stronger than chlorine and is effective over a much wider spectrum of microorganisms than chlorine and other disinfectants. Ozone kills bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Listeria, and other food pathogens much faster than traditionally used disinfectants, such as chlorine, and is free of chemical residues (Langlais et al., 1991; Sapers, 1998). Ozone is a high‐energy molecule. Its half-life in the water at room temperature is only 20 min, and it decomposes into simple oxygen with no safety concerns about the consumption of residual ozone in the treated food product (Graham, 1997). It can also be used for recycling water (Anonymous, 1998; Perkins, 1997). Fresh fruits and vegetables are washed first by ozonated water, and the wash water can be recaptured and treated by a combination of ozonation and filtration. The treated wash water is free of bacteria, color, and suspended solids and can be recycled to reduce water usage. Unlike conventional chlorine‐based washing systems, wastewater discharged by an ozonation process is free of chemical residues, a growing concern related to the environment and groundwater pollution (Anonymous, 1998). Ozone can also destroy pesticides and chemical residues, such as chlorinated by‐products (Langlais et al., 1991). Gaseous ozone is a strong sanitation and fumigation agent and can be used to sanitize foods in the storage room and during shipping to prevent bacteria, mold, and yeast on the food surface and to control insects. It can eliminate undesirable flavor produced by bacteria and chemically remove ethylene gas to slow down the ripening process, thus allowing extended distribution (Rice et al., 1982). For decades, it has been known that ozone is an effective disinfectant and sanitizer for the treatment of food products. It is commonly used in Europe for treatment of public water systems and food processing. It is being used in the U.S. for bottled water and has the potential for use in many food processing applications. Numerous documents and studies confirm the benefits of ozone applications in the food industry (Graham, 1997; Rice et al., 1982). Thus, ozone can successfully replace traditional sanitizing agents to control food pathogens. Ozone is triatomic oxygen, a naturally occurring form of oxygen that was first identified in 1840: 3O2 2O3 + heat & light It is partially soluble in water and, like most gases, increases in solubility as the temperature decreases. It is effective in killing microorganisms through oxidation of their cell membranes (Langlais et al., 1991). Ozone has a unique property of autodecomposition and will leave no toxic residues (Neff, 1998). It has an oxidation potential 1.5 times stronger than that of chlorine and has been shown to be effective over a much wider spectrum of microorganisms than chlorine and other disinfectants. Ozone is generated naturally by ultraviolet irradiation from the sun and from lightning. It can be generated commercially by UV lights (at 185 nm) or corona discharge. If a high concentration of ozone is desired, corona discharge is commonly used. There are two types of feed gas—air, generally at a concentration of 1–3% (w/w), and oxygen, generally at 2–12% (w/w) (Pryor, 1998).

Ozone Shock Treatments to Prevent Food Spoilage from Bacteria and Pests

Ozone Shock Treatments to Prevent Food Spoilage from Bacteria and Pests

I tried a few years ago to get Costa Rican exporters of fruit to soak their produce in ozone before going into cargo ships and to spray them with ozone water once on board. Costa Rica uses more pesticides (by far) than any other country, and soaking their fruit in ozone would also remove the pesticide residue from the fruit. Ozone would also kill the bacteria and pests that eat their food en transit and causes huge losses due to spoilage. Forever Ozone is a small company and I didn’t have the money to pull off such a venture, but some day I will. Not only to help the exporters, but also consumers. It’s actually a win-win. The exporters get to reduce their spoilage from 30% to 1% and the consumers get to eat pesticide free food. 

Ozone is being used on the down low to kill pests in food storage. I’m always reading the latest news on that subject. I like to see how ozone is being used in industry to prevent food spoilage and also pest control.  Here are a few of the recent stories that caught my attention:

Company eliminates pests from stored grain with ozone and reduce costs

“The researcher explains that “ozone is triatomic (molecule composed of three atoms) oxygen, which is very reactive and has the virtue of not polluting or leaving toxic residues, while eliminating odors and fungi and sanitizing grains such as corn, beans, wheat, sorghum and rice,” says researcher Llanes Ocaña.

Moreover, the process replaces chemicals like phosphine and methyl bromide used in traditional spraying methods, which are toxic and carcinogenic.”

Ozone is cheaper than chemicals, and it doesn’t poison us, so why doesn’t Industry jump on the ozone bandwagon and sing kumbaya with us health nuts and save some money along the way?  You figure it out. #sad

The Best Way to Remove Dust and Clean the Air in your Home?

I quit selling air purifiers 10 years ago (online and in a brick and mortar store in Henderson NV) because I discovered that there were cheaper and better ways of keeping your indoor air clean, sanitized, and dust-free over purchasing an expensive air purifier. I just didn’t feel good making money from a product that was a waste of money. Now I’m happy as a clam, selling products that unequivocally positively impact my customer’s health, I no longer sell all of the products one needs to keep their indoor air clean and pure. I’m, however, happy to share with my customers my insight and expertise on this subject and give other products a free plug.

The ozone generators we sell sanitizes the air as well as all surfaces. It also kills mites and neutralized their droppings. They have the biggest impact on preserving your health since mold, bacteria, bug feces, bacteria, and parasites are the “bad guys” in your air that can rob you of your health, and nothing does a better job of killing those destroyers of health than an ozone shock treatment when nobody is home. Now let’s get on to the other aspects of dirty indoor air, mainly, dust.

The reason I slam air purifiers as a waste of money (and ineffective) is that they don’t move enough air to clean the air. The good ones, like Airpura, can remove dust from the air on the high setting but at the high setting they’re so noisy they’re impractical as a solution. The ONLY way to have clean, fresh air is to live in structure with an HVAC system! The air handlers in those systems are designed to filter all of the air in the structure two times an hour. All you have to do is leave the HVAC fan (uses around 120 watts – not bad) in the “ON” position during waking hours and to switch out the MERV 11 furnace filter every 20 days or so (they’ll turn black in 20 days – but better them than your lungs!) Of course, you also have to avoid smoking indoors and avoid using chemicals to clean (use the chemical-free options instead), but that’s all you have to do to address dust.

If you own an HVAC system, you should also invest in an induct UV system. They run around $100 and if you’re handy, they’re very easy to install, but I do recommend hiring a licensed electrician just to be on the safe side. Those UV lamps will do a good job of killing most of what passes by them 2 times per hour.
Lastly, you should consider buying house plants that are good “natural” air cleaners and give them plenty of love and water! A one-hour shock treatment of ozone won’t harm them, just don’t do long shock treatments as other vendors suggest – it’s a bad idea for many reasons – stick to our suggestions and you’ll be golden!

PS. If you own an air purifier, the only time it makes sense to use it is while you’re sleeping. When you’re not moving around, the better ones can remove dust from the air, but for my money, I like to go with my HVAC UV system.

Best Way to Remove Second Hand Smoke – Chemicals from Indoor Air.

Second and third-hand smoke (off-gassing chemicals) harms kids and pets, and since they have small lungs and take more breaths per minute than adults, we really need to do all we can to protect them from second-hand smoke. This post contains valuable inside info from a former IAQ professional on the best way to remove second-hand smoke, the information I assure you won’t find anywhere else. 

If you live in an apartment next to a smoker, or you have chemical problems in your living area because someone smoked in your place before you moved in, you have a serious problem. Second-hand smoke will ‘off-gas’ and will continue to pollute your indoor air until you do something to remediate the smoke damage. It will not only make the air you breath smell bad, but it will also destroy your health over time, weakening your immune system and opening you up for respiratory illness and disease. In other words, it’s not something that can or should be ignored. If you find yourself in a situation like this, you should become proactive.

Addressing this situation requires a one-two punch. If the air you breath is contaminated from off-gassing from any one of the thousands of chemicals found in third-hand smoke, or any chemicals for that matter, you will be well advised to purchase a carbon-based air purifier and an ozone generator. When I sold air purifiers, I researched the specs on all air purifiers and air cleaners and ended up choosing to become a dealer for Airpura because of their superior design. For second and third-hand smoke and chemicals, you want a lot of carbon to absorb those chemicals and you want to perform ozone shock treatments (when nobody is home) to break down the chemicals that penetrated all surfaces and get rid of them for good. The Airpura T-600 carbon machine holds more carbon than any other VOC and smoke removal air cleaner, 26 lbs not counting the cannister (other models count the weight of the cannister – not Airpura – they’re an honest company). And here’s the good news – you’ll never have to replace the carbon if you “ozone shock” the carbon from time to time! It will take months for the carbon to “fill up” with chemicals – thus not being able to absorb any more – but you can recharge and make the carbon good as new by running the machine in a room with any of our ozone generators every now and then. (depending on the smoke damage – when nobody is home) The ozone will break down whatever the carbon absorbed, thus freeing it up to soak up more chemicals and be more effective. If you have a second – third-hand smoke problem, utilizing the T-600 and an ozone shock treatment ozone generator such as the ones we sell is the best way to sanitize your air and remove second-hand smoke or chemicals. 

What is you just use the carbon air purifier without utilizing ozone? You won’t be able to get the same great results. The carbon air cleaner will remove the chemicals in the air, but when all surfaces are off-gassing chemicals, it’s impossible to keep up. (it can only reduce, not eliminate those chemicals) An ozone shock treatment, on the other hand, can break down the surface chemicals and destroy the hydrogen bonds – breaking them down into harmless substances. Now it must be said, that some of those substances are tiny particles that are not good to breathe in, so utilizing a carbon air cleaner to suck those up AND more importantly, drawing in fresh air after each ozone shock treatment is essential if the goal is to promote good health and provide clean, purified air. How is this done? By opening all of the windows and then facing a powerful fan on one of the lower floor windows blowing the air in the structure outside (with the rest of the window sealed off) This creates a negative pressure situation that will draw fresh air from outside, and remove the broken down chemicals and VOC’s. When you’re done, for a while at least, the substrates in your home will no longer leach toxic chemicals and volatile organic compounds into your air. Your Airpura air cleaner can then provide backup until the next ozone shock treatment. During the summer months, since heat causes chemicals to leach out faster than during the winter, it’s okay to perform ozone shock treatments ever 2 or 3 days for a month or so (if the smoke damage was extensive or in a new home situation with a lot of off-gassing gules and finishes) 

Second-hand smoke damage to the substrates in the structure, also called third-hand smoke damage, covers every square inch of your home with thousands of toxic chemicals that will continue to leach out for many many years. The area is basically a toxic environment in need of a clean-up effort. No air purifier or air cleaner is able to remove any of those off-gassing chemicals. They can only remove a very small amount of the chemicals in the air in real-time before you breathe them in. You MUST do ozone shock treatments (when nobody is home) to break down and remove those chemicals or pay ServePro thousands of dollars to do the job. Or, you can buy our 30,000 to 80,000 commercial ozone generator and do it yourself and then make the money it cost to purchase the machines back by renting it out locally or doing shock treatments on the side. (better idea) 

How Ozone is Kills the “Bad Guys.”

Anything can be safe or dangerous, including ozone generators. For instance, let’s take a look at the water. What we can all agree is that water is essential for life. We need to drink water to live, but if we drink too much water too fast, we’ll die. Does that mean that water is toxic? (the fact it can kill you?) Of course not. The same thing applies to ozone and ozone generators. 

Are ozone generators safe isn’t actually the question people should be asking, because that’s a stupid question, of course ozone generators are safe (and even essential for good health) when used properly (in unoccupied rooms for short bursts at ultra-high concentrations, what we call an ‘ozone shock treatment’) The more logical question should be: How do I properly use an ozone generator to improve my indoor air quality and my health? AHHHH, now that’s the question! (and I have the answer!)

FACT: Everyone sheds pounds of dead skin every year.

FACT: Dust mites feast off our dead skin and their feces is the #1 indoor air allergen that has been shown to cause asthma in children and reparatory disease in adults. 

FACT: The ONLY way to kill mites and neutralize their feces without filling your living space with harmful pesticides and toxins is to perform bi-monthly ozone shock treatments while nobody is home. (they go right through filters – sorry air purifier vendors!). 

Given these facts, I’d say that doing periodic ozone shock treatments is not only safe but ESSENTIAL to good indoor air quality and subsequently the health of you and your family! You can pay someone to perform an ozone shock treatment for a few hundred dollars once a month, but it makes more sense to buy enough ozone power to do it yourself, and perform periodic ozone shock treatments to rid your air of mites, parasites, molds, bacteria, and viruses to improve your indoor air quality and your health! 

The Forever Ozone Shock Treatment Protocol

Everyone who sells ozone generators gives different advice on how to use their machines. Some machines are, and they don’t produce much ozone, so the vendor of those machines suggest running them for 24 to 48 hours to get rid of odors. (MICA plate machines – MICA plates produce at most 400 mg/h of ozone, so 2-3 plates only provide 800 to 1200 mg/h) Others sell devices made in China and the Chinese don’t really have a clue on how to use the machines they produce for the most part, so their advice is all over the place, and often incorrect. To make matters worse, those machines are poorly designed and impossible to repair, and the plates run too hot and don’t produce much ozone at all. This has caused a problem in the ozone generator marketplace. Many people misuse their ozone machines or use poorly designed devices that don’t produce much ozone at all, and they get poor results. Worse of all, many people run their ozone generators at lower ppm concentrations for much too long, and the subsequent effect is adverse (creating harmful byproducts in the air). If you follow our protocol, which calls for high concentrations (6-10 ppm) of ozone for short periods of time (30 minutes to 1 hour), then you’ll get rid of the mites and the harmful micro-pathogens. What you won’t do is even more important! You won’t give the high concentration of ozone enough time to interact with the many substrates in the area (foam, rubber, furniture, etc.) so that you never reach the ‘flashpoint’ that these substrates need to break down with the high concentration of ozone! The fact of the matter is that most micro-pathogens die within minutes not hours of ultra-high ozone concentrations! Performing several short – high concentration ozone shock treatments to achieve any desired result is the Forever Ozone Shock Treatment Protocol.

Are ozone air purifiers safe? No. That’s why they’re banned in California. They look like air purifiers, often with filters, and if someone mistakes one of those machines for an air purifier and runs it at night while they or their kids are sleeping, the ozone concentrations in a small room and colder temps can cause the ozone concentrations to rise to dangerous levels. Every year people are rushed to hospitals because of this issue. I’m happy to note that we only sell industrial ozone generators that are only used for ozone shock treatments and furthermore can NEVER be confused for an air purifier! They look more like a science experiment than an air purifier – not a chance for that mistake being made! (not to mention the warnings on all of our devices) That’s why we’re able to sell our ozone machines in California by the way.

So are ozone generators safe? I guess that depends on many factors, but I can say without any hesitation that Forever Ozone generators are safe, not only safe, essential for good health! Folks who do monthly ozone shock treatments often comment that they no longer get seasonal colds or respiratory illnesses. We’re coming upon flu season, so if your family is prone to getting sick this time of year, break the cycle and give us a try. What do you have to lose! (PS. I GUARANTEE IF YOU DO BUY OUR MACHINE AND USE IT FOR MONTHLY SHOCK TREATMENTS, NOBODY IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD WILL EVEN COME DOWN WITH A COLD – OR YOUR MONEY BACK!!) That’s how confident I am that our ozone shock treatment machines are miracle workers – and ozone a God particle – Blessing from God that the evil overlords that run the world want to keep from society! (spoken tongue in cheek, lol …at least a little)

Do Ozone Generators Work?

Yes, ozone generators can be very effective, but only if:

1) The concentration is six to ten times greater than the upper “safe” level of 1 ppm that the EPA guidelines recommends.

2) The “shock” duration is short. (long durations of 12 to 24 hours can break down foam in furniture and under the carpet)  Forever Ozone instructs its customers on the Forever Ozone Shock Treatment Protocol which is short (30 minutes) and frequent (three times a day) which does not reach the ‘flash point’ to break down foam and which will not create harmful byproducts but will kill viruses, bacteria, mites, molds, and parasites. 

3) You have enough ozone power, and the right machines to do the job right.  Most machines run too hot and guess what? Heat destroys ozone. Most ozone generators are also designed without enough air moving capability to churn the air and create the ozone concentration needed to perform a short, high strength ozone shock treatment. Lastly, most machines are not designed to keep the ozone plate dry by having the fan bear down on the play with a strong wind. (Our Cool-Tec design) In other words, ozone works. Most machines won’t get the job done however. 

The correct question is can ozone generators be used to improve indoor air quality? Can ozone generators be used in green pest control?  The large globalist Corporations promote ineffective filters and air purifiers that can’t kill the harmful things in the air that can rob you of your health and which allow dangerous parasites, like mites, molds, bacteria, viruses, etc to rob you of your health and sanity. They want you to poison your indoor air with pesticides and cancer-causing air fresheners instead of using the God particle known as ozone to get the job done right.

So, to answer the question, “Do ozone generators work,” the answer is a resounding YES! Ozone Generators, if used correctly, can work miracles and do things that no other sanitizer or cleaner can do! Ozone generators can vastly improve your indoor air quality and YES, ozone can be used in green pest control to rid your home of pests without pesticides!  If you search for “ozone generators” you will find pages and pages of search results trying to convince you that ozone is harmful and ozone generators don’t work. The reasons why, as outlined above, are obvious.

If you have a skunk spray inside your home, good luck getting rid of the smell with an air purifier. 

If you burn something or have smoke damage …

If you have a critter or something die in your home and the funk covers every surface of your walls and belongings …

If you have a mite infestation that is driving you crazy and you don’t want to harm your health spraying everything with pesticides … (which won’t work – they float in the air on dead skin) 

If you want to kill surface molds, bacteria, and viruses everywhere in 30 minutes ….

Good luck getting a positive result with an air purifier!  I’ve blogged before on why air purifiers don’t work. It’s simple. We kick up dust every time we move around. Air purifiers lack the air moving capability to lower dust levels let alone remove the harmful things in the air that can rob you of your health!  Your HVAC system – furnace filter IF you run your system in the “always on” position can filter all of the air in your home 2 times an hour, and if you utilize a MERV 11 air filter and an Induct UVC system, you can address most airborne issues, but you still won’t be able to kill surface mold, bacteria, or viruses UNLESS you perform an ozone shock treatment using our proven protocol!  Folks that utilize our ozone shock treatment machines and use our protocol live in mite free, bacteria free, virus free, mold free homes and they rave about the improved health they enjoy! Why doesn’t Google or the MSM want you to know about this? Oh, I don’t know. You’ll have to ask them. My guess it has something to do with money and an “agenda.”  

There is one last reason why I believe they don’t want people to perform ozone shock treatments. This might sound like a Sci-fi novel or conspiracy theory, but I don’t care, it is what it is. I got into ozone 20 years ago when I discovered via a friend who worked at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas that they were adding fuel additives to certain types of military jets that contained nano particles of metal. Our gov after 911 also started asking commercial jets to utilize this new fuel additive under the guise that it would prevent the fuel from exploding if it ran into a building. This fuel additive started leaving white lines in the sky that would linger for hours. People started to theorize it was for weather manipulation. I found out otherwise (can’t say what here) and I started to do regular ozone shock treatments in my own home and then started designing my own machines (minimalist to keep the price down) and selling them online. That is how Forever Ozone got started, and why. You see, ozone RUSTS nano metal VERY QUICKLY!!!!  Within minutes, for sure within a 30 minute shock treatment at 6-10 ppm.  Don’t take my word for it. Put out a petri dish and do a shock treatment with our machine then use an electron microscope to view the metal nano particles – they’ll all be rusted! The rusted metal becomes inert, incapable of conducting electricity, i.e., turning you into a human antenna for advanced surveillance and futuristic trans-human agendas. (everything is really electromagnetic – nothing is solid – it’s all just an illusion extrapolated from holograms in your brain – atoms are spinning electricity) 

So what happened when I started to do ozone shock treatments? I was getting bronchitis several times a year before I discovered ozone (I had 2 small children at the time who were always getting me sick from shedding the vaccines they were being forced to get – their mother is pro-vaccine) and after starting to do regular ozone shock treatments as well as drinking ozone water and cleaning my food with ozone, I NEVER GOT SICK ONCE IN THE PAST 10 YEARS! Not once, anyone who knows me can attest to that fact. I attribute my great health and longevity to ozone 100%.  So do countless others I’ve gotten to know over the years who buy our machines and follow our protocols for regular ozone shock treatments as well as utilizing ozonated water on a daily basis.

So, in the final analysis, not only do ozone generators work, if you don’t utilize ozone to sanitize your environment in lieu of harsh chemicals, good luck at obtaining optimal health.