Author: Mike
Owner, Forever Ozone

Study Finds Ozone therapy in COVID-19 works.

Study Finds Ozone therapy in COVID-19 works.

This is the most conclusive study I’ve found thus far that proves ozone therapy is not only effective in treating Covid-19, it has no side effects! (Something I believe no other treatment can say). Here is the conclusion of this study: (click here to view study)

“Conclusion: Systemic ozone therapy has several positive effects, such as control of inflammation, stimulation of immunity, low antiviral activity and protection from acute coronary syndromes and ischaemia reperfusion damage. This therapy could be a new method of immune therapy, so its use in combination with other antiviral drugs in COVID-19-positive patients may be justified, helpful and synergic. Ozone therapy carries no known adverse or toxic effects when performed properly. DIV is the easier route of administration, and its use has been hypothesized in the treatment of several pulmonary diseases, including theoretically SARS-CoV-2 infections.”

While technical, this explains how ozone helps boost the immune system and keep Covid-19 from shutting down your lungs:

“Ozone is a molecule that could perform antiviral action by interfering with the virus replication phase; this feature is linked to the ability of ozone to oxidize cysteine residues through the formation of “disulphide bridges” present in the structures of the virus itself in high quantities. Coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, are rich in cysteine, and these residues must be intact for viral activity. Ozone’s action consists of oxidation and inactivation of the specific viral receptors used for the creation of the bond structure of the cell membrane, therefore inhibiting the level of its first phase: cellular penetration. ACE2 receptors’ activity can be regulated and blocked through the control of Nrf2, an important nuclear message transductor. Ozone acts directly on Nrf2, and it could be an important physiological mechanism to block endogenous COVID-19 replication by preventing contact with SARS-CoV-2 receptors. Moreover, the activation of Nrf2 leads to a reduction of iron overload and the subsequent oxidative stress induced by elevated ferritine; thus, this ozone activity protects from apoptosis induced by oxidative stress. NLRP3 inflammasome, a cytosolic complex responsible for the production of IL-1β and IL-18, plays a crucial role at the beginning of and during inflammation in various diseases, including viral infections such as COVID-19. Ozone shows its anti-inflammatory activity through the modulation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Therefore, it could protect from acute coronary syndromes and ischaemia reperfusion damage that occurs in the lungs of patients affected by COVID-19, attenuating NLRP3-mediated inflammation, enhancing the antioxidant activity of Nrf2 and inhibiting apoptosis.”

I think this will be my last article on ozone therapy to treat Covid. I think I’ve proven the case for ozone therapy. Every day, more research is concluding its effectiveness at boosting the immune system and fighting viral and lung infections. I will add to these past few posts with new research as it comes to light.

I’ve always felt that o3 was a “God molecule” because of it’s ability to kill the ‘bad guys’ that rob us of good health. Cleanliness is next to Godliness and ozone is natures cleaner, and without the formation of ozone in our atmosphere to remove air pollution (after volcanic eruptions, forest fires, man made pollution), we’d all die. But the combination of sunlight and pollution causes oxygen (o2) to split, and the o1 to join forces with o2 in creating o3; this remarkable molecule. Activated or super oxygen is then Johnny on the spot to save the day to break down the pollution! Instead of thanking God for ozone, the powers that be call it pollution. A toxic gas. (Inversion 101, evil calling good evil) Why? My guess is to draw attention away from the tax paying, powerful industries that pollute. Calling natures cleaner pollution is a genius way to take the heat off the powerful industries that pollute!

US history has a lot of examples of propaganda being used to convince the population that poison is good for us because of some type of “National Security” issue. The biggest case of medical malpractice in my opinion is the introduction of rat poison (fluoride) into our public water systems under the guise of promoting teeth health. They pulled off that scam because when we developed nuclear weapons (production of atomic weapons creates mountains of fluoride) National Security dictated that we find a way to quickly dispose of all of that toxic rat poison (that’s what fluoride was used for before, and still used for today) that building ‘the bomb’ created. The high degree Freemasons that run our government put fellow 33 degree Freemason Andrew Melon in as head of Health and Human Services in order to pull off this great public health scam. You see Melon owned Alcoa Aluminum. So happens the production of Aluminum also creates tons of fluoride! Moreover, it’s very costly to properly dispose of fluoride. They knew they could count on fellow traveling man Melon to pull off this ‘greatest health scam of the century’. Not only would he no longer have to pay to dispose of his toxic waste, he’d get paid to dump it into the water! And he’d help America build the bomb.

So how did he pull this off? Melon hired a scientist to prove that fluoride kills the bacteria that causes cavities, and it does. It’s very toxic after all! That scientist then theorized that if we put it in water, we could improve public health by promoting strong cavity free teeth. No studies were done. They just started putting fluoride into our public water systems one by one. The result. Less cavities over x amount of years, so they claimed. (Who really knows, given they were running a scam) That’s all it took to start that disastrous program which has lead to countless cancer deaths and disease, especially preventable childhood cancers. Living in an area that adds fluoride to the water has been proven to lead to lower IQ test scores among children. Believe it or not, the Nazi’s put fluoride in the water of their concentration camps because of it’s known neurological effects (makes one more passive, less aggressive, dumbed down). America is one of the only countries in the world that still dumps rat poison (fluoride) into its public water systems. Even China stopped the practice after they studied the negative health effects fluoride has on children over a decade. (10 times higher childhood cancers) So China stopped poisoning their people with fluoride many years ago. Most countries followed suit. Fluoride Alert is a great website to learn about this ‘hush-hush’ subject you’ll never hear our education system, Hollywood or the MSM talk about.

As with Fluoride, which I think time has proven without a doubt causes childhood cancers and lower IQ, not to mention destroys the teeth, our beloved government you would think would have our best interest in mind seems to care more about “National Security” and globalist issues. You can go your entire lifetime and not hear a peep about the dangers of fluoride unless you stumble across a website like mine that is not scared telling the truth, come what may. So given this fact, should it surprise us that the Nazi’s who apparently are still large and in charge of our government call ozone bad but fluoride and vaccines good? LOL. The only good thing I can say about our country is that we are still free to voice our opinions without facing immediate repercussions like in more totalitarian regimes. Many people have died to give us those freedoms we’re slowly losing today, but in the final analysis, it’s up to us to stay true to what we believe. Regardless of the consequences. We owe at least doing that to all those who have come before us and fought, even died defending the freedoms we take for granted today which can cease to exist any day, the way things are going. Until then, speak your truth without fear, and do what you know is right, regardless of the consequences.

Recent case studies on the use of ozone to combat coronavirus

Recent case studies on the use of ozone to combat coronavirus

I keep looking for studies on the use of ozone to kill SARS and Coronaviruses and I keep finding new ones, hence this new post.

This new study is pretty extensive in delineating the many different ways in which ozone kills viruses and the risk that breathing ozone poses to our lungs. If you’ve read my blog posts, you know the “forever ozone’ method includes introducing fresh air after a shock treatment to remove any ‘tiny’ particles created by breaking down VOCs into smaller components. People who do a shock treatment to remove second hand smoke should strongly consider following our protocol. Second hand smoke has 1000’s of chemicals that are broken down by the ozone shock process. Those tiny particles need to be flushed out after the shock treatment.

It’s not like they don’t know ozone therapy helps with killing Covid. Get a load of this: “Five review studies were found in which the potential role of systemic ozone therapy was concluded to be effective in controlling COVID-19 because of its antiviral, oxygenation, anti-inflammatory, oxidation balancing, and immunomodulation effects. Three ongoing clinical trials were registered in China. A preliminary report of an ongoing study in Italy on 46 patients (11 intubated and 35 non-intubated) showed that in 39 (84%) of the patients, an improvement was seen. In spite of the promising background data, as well as the expert opinions and a preliminary report indicating the effectiveness of ozone, there is still not enough evidence to confirm this as a viable treatment option for COVID-19.” (reference) 84% improvement isn’t enough evidence? Really? Hmmm. Interesting. I think the jury is in. The MSM has chosen to not covered the trial, that’s all.

Here is a link to this ozone study (click here) Note the many different things that ozone therapy has been shown, via studies, to cure. Yet doctors are afraid to administer ozone? And why aren’t over night (when closed) ozone shock treatments in closed offices, businesses, medical facilities being promoted? We know for sure that even small amounts of ozone kill surface Covid. The USA Army is promoting ozone shock treatments in empty barracks to slow the spread of Covid, on the down low. I wish someone in our National Press would promote ozone shock treatments to slow the spread of Covid. If they ever do, like I said, I’d be willing to offer our products AT COST (not looking to profit from Covid) to schools. Hospitals. And Government agencies. That offer still stands, and will never be redacted.

“Ozonated autohemotherapy was associated with a significantly shorter time to clinical improvement in this prospective case-control study”

“Ozonated autohemotherapy was associated with a significantly shorter time to clinical improvement in this prospective case-control study”

Those were the results of a small case study using ozone therapy to cure Covid-19 in patients that had already fallen so ill that they needed hospitalization. (see case study here) By that point, the lungs are already infected and breathing was already difficult, yet ozone therapy still significantly lessened the amount of time in the hospital. (7 days vs 28 days). If ozone is administered EARLY in the infection, a overnight hospital stay can be avoided. And who knows how many lives can be saved. And lets not forget that even low levels of ozone kill viruses according to the research (Japan study)

An ozone 10 pass treatment is expensive and it’s very hard to find a doctor who can perform it using the German equipment. Why? Mainly, they fear the wrath of the medical establishment in the USA. In Europe, it’s cheap and widely used. Lucky them! But ozone tenting is a cheap alternative that can be done at home. Basically, you sit in a steam sauna (cost around $100) with your head popping out of the tent as you sit down with a bucket that emits steam and then after your pores are open, you open the tent to let the heat out and you slip a silicone hose (via a small cut on the side of the tent) into the tent that fills the tent with ozone while your head sticks out as to not breath the ozone. (very important, ozone is not for breathing!) Our 10g ozonator emits over 100ppm of ozone and would quickly fill the tent with ozone that would then enter your blood via your skin pores. Since ozone is also good for longevity and boosting your immune system, this is something I’ve done regularly for quite some time and let me tell you, you do feel great afterwards! You really notice the difference if you do it after a heavy workout. This trick has been used in Hollywood and those in the know (think boxers, performance athlete’s) as a way to enhance performance and recovery in a way that is 100% undetectable and drug free! Talk about performance enhancing! After a football game, boxing match, soccer match, etc, a 10 pass ozone therapy (or ozone tenting) should be performed to reduce recovery time, stimulate stem cell growth of damaged cells, and boost the immune system to prevent from catching a cold.

Disclaimer: Just remember. Take precautions to prevent any significant amount of ozone gas from being breathed in during your ozone tenting! I accomplish this by doing it outside with a 20% box fan blowing fresh air at my head and a exhaust tube (4′ drain pipe I bought at Home Depot – installed by cutting a round 4″ hole in the side of the tent and using duct tape to close it up) on the tent that directs the excess ozone 10 feet away.

Ozone therapy works, and the science proves it. However, our medical establishment is profit based, so ozone (cheap, very effective, but can’t be patented) will never catch on in the USA. So this information will never be known by the masses. But lucky you. You found it and got to digest it. Knowledge is power. Enjoy your new found power, and spread the news.

How to avoid catching a cold? Keep your immune system strong!  Some ideas on how to do that.

How to avoid catching a cold? Keep your immune system strong! Some ideas on how to do that.

A virus by itself can’t make you sick. A virus isn’t alive. It’s just code that can spread if your immune system if weak from x y and z. This article will teach you what x y and z are, and help you prevent that from happening.

So keeping our immune system strong should be (in a rational world) job number one in fighting a pandemic. But it’s not. The people in charge prefer we fight this invisible enemy by wearing masks (that prevent us from getting oxygen, which is vital to a strong immune system), or who can forget their famous ‘lockdown’ that kept us locked up in our homes so that we couldn’t get sun and vitamin D, (vital to a strong immune system), or rely on a vaccine to save us, which weakens our immune system for a few weeks or alters our genes which can cause who knows what down the road. Or stress us out with their non stop fear mongering not to mention the stress caused from financial issues. Yeah. These people are sick! So they want us sick as well. Don’t let them win!

Given the reality of our situation, that evil people are driving the bus (given the 101 historical proofs that’s in fact the case) the only solution is to take our health into our own hands. Do your own research. Take command of our own bodies and your own immune system! There are a lot of great video’s on YouTube by honest doctors that share reliable data on how we can boost our immune system. Here is one from the good Dr Berg as well as this video of his that highlights what I covered in my last blog post, why you can’t kill a virus. (once it enters your system) Ozone destroys viruses by damaging the viral capsid and upsetting the reproductive cycle of said virus by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact via peroxidation. (oxidation resulting in the formation of a peroxide) But there technically isn’t anything to ‘kill’ as is the case with mites, bacteria, molds, etc. that are ‘alive’ and which ozone most certainly does kill. VOC’s are also broken down by ozone, (by breaking the hydrogen bond of chemicals) not killed, but I digress. That’s another subject.

So the number one thing you can do to prevent from catching a cold (besides washing your hands often and not touching your eyes or picking your nose) is to keep your immune system strong, and the best way to do that is to 1) don’t get stressed out! 2) Get plenty of sun. 3) Eat a healthy diet. 4) Supplement with Zink. Vitamins D. C. A. Olive Leaf. And Garlic. Why aren’t these things promoted? Why do the people in charge trying to stress us out 24/7 with their fear mongering? Or locking us up to keep us from getting sun. Or promoting things that weaken our immune system? I think we all know why.

So smile! Laugh at this crazy world! Be happy. Stress free. Throw your hands up and say “Jesus take the wheel” and know that good health is 100% yours! You got this.

Stay healthy my friends. And may God bless you and yours.

Does an Ozone Shock Treatment Kill Surface Viruses? US Army Says Yes.

Does an Ozone Shock Treatment Kill Surface Viruses? US Army Says Yes.

If you search “Forever Ozone” in the search engines undoubtedly you seen that nasty letter the FTC sent me last March at the beginning of this planned takedown of our our old way of life and our freedoms for simply linking to a new article from a Spanish hospital in Ibiza which claimed that their 10 pass ozone therapy was being used successfully to prevent Covid deaths. Before they started using ozone treatments on critical patients, they were losing 10 people a day. After that, they didn’t lose one person. They didn’t call it a cure but they suggested that ozone therapy for Covid patients should be further investigated. My provocative Blog post asking if ozone therapy was a cure for Covid drew a swift response by our government, and I had 48 hours to remove the post or have the Feds take down my website and put me out of business, even lock me up.

When the US gov asks you to jump. You don’t say no. You ask how high if you know what’s good for you. I’m not stupid. I have no illusions. I know that you can’t beat a world gov on a mission to achieve a planned end. However. As one who likes to share the truth regardless of the consequence, here I go again. Pushing the envelope. But this time, I have an ally in the US Army. You see, their own study found that an ozone shock treatment kills surface Covid! Their words, not mine. Here’s their Pfg on this subject (click here)

Of course they list the studies from the FDA in their literature that suggest ozone is bad for breathing (true) and that it’s dangerous if not used correctly (also true) I agree with all of those statements. However, nobody is suggesting you breath the ozone from the commercial machines I sell! They’re used to DISINFECT AND SANTIZE UNOCCUPIED AREAS! And yes, ozone kills surface viruses and bacteria. This has been known FOR MANY YEARS VIA MANY STUDIES!

As is with everything, there is a right and wrong way to do something. It is true that some sellers of ozone generators wrongly suggest running their ozone generators for 12-24 hours at a time. They sell ozone plate technology that gets hot and stops producing pure ozone after a few minutes. The right way is to do SHORT HIGH CONCENTRATION ozone shock treatments that don’t give the ozone time to interact with the many different substrates found inside a structure (and reach the flash point where they break them down and potentially create harmful byproducts.) Studies suggest that takes many hours. Solution. DO SHORT OZONE SHOCK TREATMENTS!

The Forever Ozone Shock Treatment Protocol we developed over the years, via trial and error, does the job of killing ‘the bad guys” without interacting with your indoor belongings! Basically, we have our machines run for 30 minutes on, one hour off. The ozone will break down into oxygen after about 40 minutes then the process of shocking can continue if needed, but for ridding an area of surface viruses and bacteria, 30 minutes with 10,000 mg/h per 1000 square feet is more than enough. It is my opinion that this should be done on a nightly basis in all schools. All offices. All businesses. And weekly in all residences. Schools especially! Studies conducted in the early 1900’s found that schools that did nightly ozone shock treatments had vastly fewer sick days for students and teachers than schools that did not do night ozone shock treatments. The reason? Mold. The mold was making people sick in the un-ozonated schools. As a bonus, they found the better air quality lead to higher test scores in the ozonated schools. Imagine that! Talk about win-win. Why doesn’t every school district know this and call us to get our ozone machines from me at price to help their kids? I’d love to help. But all I get is pushback from our gov. Wonder why?

(Here is the write-up I found in a local newspaper about ozone in St Louis schools. On page 340.) I quote:

Ozone in the St. Louis Schools.-

After preliminary studies and tests made on a number of persons with ozone concentration many times that for ventilation, ozone machines have been installed in the air ducts of a number of the school buildings of St. Louis. The first machine was installed in the O’Fallon School in 1919. The effects on the comfort and health of teachers and pupils were so marked that in the summer of 1920 ozone machines were installed in thirteen old schools and put in the specifications of three new ones. In most instances the principals and teachers were not apprised of the change in the ventilation, in order that psychology might not figure in the results. The most beneficial results were noticeable in a few weeks. Teachers volunteered the information that pale and anemic children had gained in weight and that the new ventilation relieved the fatigue of the day’s work.

Hundreds of visitors have visited the schools where this ventilation has been installed. To those who are not fully convinced of the
merits of ozone in ventilation, an invitation is extended to visit the schools of St. Louis and make such tests as may seem desirable
where the facilities for such are so large.

Jour. Am. Soc. of Heat.-Vent. Engineers, January, 1922.

15g Quartz Tube Bare Bones Ozone Generator now available.

15g Quartz Tube Bare Bones Ozone Generator now available.

We decided to sell these 15g quartz tube ozone generators for $70 as a DIY kit first. We’ll have enclosed units in the future.

The 8″ inline fan will put you back another $30 but still a great deal considering what you’re getting, and we pay shipping and tax unless you live in Arkansas.

These are best paired with an 8″ inline fan that can also be attached to an 8′ flexible ducting. Any fan however can be used to create high concentrations of ozone. Just have the air blow right into the 3′ wide ozone tube ozone tube. Or you can opt to suck the air over this ozone tube by putting it on the air intake side of the fan. It’s the inside part of the the tube that actually lights up to create ozone, not the outside part. That’s how dielectric/corona discharge works.

Since heat destroys ozone, these quartz tube type ozone generators produce higher concentrations of ozone than the stated amount of ozone that is created by a ceramic ozone plate unit. (why we switched) Well that and the fact that humidity doesn’t get reduced with this type of ozone element like the ceramic plates. At 80% humidity, with ceramic plates, you’re only getting 20% of the stated output. Yikes! Not an issue with the quartz tube and UV technologies.

We do recommend you build a box to house these bare bones units. They are made out of glass and you don’t want to damage your investment, right?

Everything in-stock.  New 15g tube machines in the works.

Everything in-stock. New 15g tube machines in the works.

The breakdown of our supply chain has caused us long delays in sourcing parts that in the past were easy to source. That all ended mid June when we received a long overdue order of electronic parts which included ozone plates. Everything is now in stock!

We are coming out with a new 15g ozone tube later this month. It will be used in our commercial air ozone generators to make a 60g unit (for 15g quartz tubes in one cylinder) We will still offer our current 40g unit (60g contractor kit deal) but also be adding the a stand alone 15g and 60g unit to our offering. (and a 80g kit) We will also offer a 15g unit that utilized an 8″ in-line fan. We have the parts, we’re just looking to source the fans and other parts we need to make that unit from US vendors.

Our 3.5, 5, and 10g ozone plates are back in stock. We ran out during this current supply chain delay.

We thank our faithful past customers for their continued support and referrals. Some have mentioned they were worried the FTC had put us out of business because of a warning letter from the FTC they found online when they searched for “Foreverozone.” I think I created a blog post about that letter, but if I didn’t, I will make one shortly. Basically, we linked to a story from Ibiza Spain early in the pandemic where they claimed they were curing Covid-19 patients with 10 pass ozone treatments and the title of my blog post was “Is 10 pass ozone a cure for Covid?” Of course that’s a big ‘no-no” ….to claim something cures something without providing scientific proof. My proof was anecdotal information from doctors in Spain. I didn’t think I was claiming anything, I was just asking a question, but the lawyers at the FTC didn’t mince their words. Take down that blog post or be shut down. Of course I took down that blog post. Interestingly, the original article was scaled down by the newspaper in Spain that published it. (I went and looked for it recently) Gone were the words that suggested they were curing people of Covid with the ozone treatments. Instead, they said that the treatment looked promising in treating Covid. There is a ton of published data in scientific journals that document ozone’s ability to kill viruses, I also found articles claiming ozone shock treatments kill coronaviruses, such as this one. So no, Foreverozone doesn’t have a problem with the FTC. We quickly took down the offensive blog post and learned our lesson. We plan on being around til NWO takes away everything and the chips in our brains convince us actually very happy owning nothing, lol. Until then. We soldier on.

Forever Ozone’s Move to Arkansas Complete!

Forever Ozone’s Move to Arkansas Complete!

Today, 11/12/2020 we sign our new lease in Fairfield Bay Arkansas. I moved Forever Ozone from California to get back to nature. To family values. To sanity. It’s been a touch 10 days (moves are not easy) but we’re now set-up and ready to start shipping again!

We left supplies behind in San Diego to take care of the orders placed during this two week move but I see we ran out of our best sellers pretty quickly. We’re all stocked up on raw materials and will get all past orders out by tomorrow so that hopefully they arrive by this coming Monday. If you experienced a delay in your shipment, we will issue a partial refund of 10% to your order, along with our apologies.

This is going to be an exciting time for Forever Ozone! We are partnering with a genius inventor who lives here in Fairfield Bay to market many new products, including some new ozone inventions I’ll be able to share with you soon.

An big “THANK YOU” to all of our loyal customers! We look forward to meeting the challenges that lie ahead and being able to continue providing you with the best ozone generators in the world.

office AR

Our physical address is 14469 Hwy 16 East, Ste 4, Shirley AR, 72153 just outside Fairfield Bay, next to the Craven’s and Dollar General store.  I’m so happy we’ve gone Country. 

New Commercial Ozone Machine – Humidity proof!

New Commercial Ozone Machine – Humidity proof!

I’ve been working on this product for a while. This so-called “pandemic” has really thrown a monkey wrench into production capabilities, so we’ve had to adapt. We made a deal with a large stainless steel fabricator to make us what I feel is the best commercial ozone generator on the market, at any price!

This commercial ozone generator solves a few problems, mainly:

  1. Humidity issues. At 70% humidity, the amount of ozone a ceramic plate ozone generator can produce is reduced by 70%. Up to now, the solution has been UV lamp ozone generators. The problem; they’re too expensive, (over $2000 on avg) and the UV lamps lose power with every use. This new quartz tube technology solves that problem. Best of all, it never wears out, no need for replacement ozone plates (quartz tube comes with a lifetime warranty, along with the transformer).
  2. Heat issues. Heat destroys ozone. Most ceramic ozone plates run at around 150 degrees! That’s not good, especially during summer months. This technology runs cool. Under 90 degrees. That helps prevent NoX production (that burnt ozone smell that lingers for days that you get when you utilize a ceramic plate ozone generator)
  3. Shoots ozone towards roof: This unit comes with a 9″ metal fan that slides under the ozone generator and will blow the ozone being produced straight up towards the roof. This is important because ozone is heavier than air, and most ozone generators utilize a 4.5″ computer fan and blows the ozone sideways. That will create an ozone cloud near the unit, but leave the air near the roof ozone free. This innovative design also allows you to attach an 12″ blower / PVC HVAC hose (sold for $170 more) for jobs that require blowing ozone into the attic or basement.

We also sell a 0-20 ppm ozone sensor for $299 (retails for $799 elsewhere) for our customers who buy our commercial ozone generator.

Shipping is free to the West coast, Central states and East coast pay’s $20 for UPS ground shipping. (Call to order if you’re not sure)

Warranty: Lifetime, transformer and ozone tube.

Ozone Generators Compared

Ozone Generators Compared

I spoke with a nice gentleman today, the owner of an ozone business in St Thomas Virgin Islands. He was telling me of his frustration with his Chinese transformer ozone generator bought from a guy he called “Charles.” He said his ozone ‘cannon’ arrived with 2 out of 5 defective transformers. He immediately called Charles, expecting him to make things right. Instead, he was told that his machine was tested to work before it left the ‘factory’ so he was shit out of luck. It was the carriers’ fault, call and bother them. He bought one of my 50K machines and I offered to throw in two free Chinese transformers at cost ($16), the kind in his unit. The kind with the ‘hot’ high voltage red wires that are glued to the ozone plate, making them effectively disposable. I have 20 of those I bought to test. All of the tested samples caught on fire if the fan quit blowing. All failed within a month if used over 12 hours a day. (Terrible invention – a knock off of my transformer my invention)

Those ‘hot’ high voltage red wires on the Chinese ‘double stacked” transformers, if those wires come undone (with high heat) can touch the side of the box. That poses a shock and fire hazard. Most of the cheap ozone generators sold on Amazon feature these disposable transformers. (buyers, beware). Out transformer has a lifetime warranty and was designed to last 10 or more years, even with daily use. (If connected to a fan and run in the manner we recommend, on 30 off 30 for as long as you want.) A 15-30 minute shock treatment is all you need to kill mold, viruses, bacteria, mites, etc at the concentrations our ozone generators create.

Forever Ozone has been in business for over 10 years, and we’re not in this to make money. Real Estate, other investments are how I make money. I got into this business for health and safety reasons. I knew that we live in ‘end times’ and wars, (burning plastic) civil unrest, pandemics (manmade or otherwise) were coming. I knew that owing ozone would represent the blood above the doorway to ward off the angel of death. I know our gov is part of a world order that has a depopulation agenda. I’m not happy about this. (Wrote a book about it in case you’re interested in this type of thing. If you want a signed copy, just let me know. I sell the hard copies for $10 to my customers and friends.) But I created our ozone generators to last, and to be highly effective. If your ozone transformer ever craps out, we’ll replace it for free, gladly! We want you to have ozone! Ozone kills the ‘bad guys” that can kill us. If you choose Forever Ozone, you are supporting a USA company that cares about your health. If you buy products with poorly designed cheap Chinese transformers? Good luck.

Chinese ozone transformer 10,000 mgh