Category: Blog

New Ozone Insufflation Products

New Ozone Insufflation Products

We now stock all of the different bag and parts needed for ozone Insufflations. We’ve been selling a kit for a while but decided to sell the machine ‘stand alone’ as well as the products.

Being able to treat yourself with ozone therapy will is a godsend. Due to our litigious society. And the high cost of medical insurance. Ozone therapy costs more (for one visit) than buying the equipment and doing it yourself. We do recommend paying a visit however to an ozone doctor to learn how to do insufflations under their watch and care. Once you get the hang of it. It’s simple. We will also provide our customers with videos and free consultations on how to best use the equipment they purchase.

You’ll find our new products by moving your mouse over “Products” then choosing the ‘Medical Ozone Therapy Products” drop down menu and choosing from among the different products, from the stand alone Ozone insufflation machine to the large ozone limb bag. We have several different types of insufflation machines on order and so check back often to view our offerings.

10g Quartz Tube Ozone Ballast/Tube ‘Bare Bones’ Ozone Generator Now Available.

10g Quartz Tube Ozone Ballast/Tube ‘Bare Bones’ Ozone Generator Now Available.

We know times are tough for many. (And getting tougher.) We also know we have the best ozone generator elements in the world. The same technology Nikola Tesla invented 100 plus years ago. Stainless steel mesh around a quartz tube and dielectric high voltage. This method of producing ozone is superior to the Chinese invented ceramic plate technology due to heat and humidity considerations. You see at 90% humidity. Ozone plate technology is reduced by 90%! It’s not reduced with our technology. (Or the more expensive UV technology that only produces low amounts of ozone).

Heat and humidity destroy ozone. Since ozone is most often used in areas with heat and humidity, choosing this type of ozone producing element is a no brainer.

Chinese made ozone generators featuring ozone plates are designed to fail fairly quickly. When it does. Rather than throw it away. Consider replacing your old transformer and ozone plate with this set-up. All it needs is a fan to feed this ozone element air to produce ozone. Some clever permaculture enthusiasts have found a way to cap both ends of the quartz tube and pressurize the inside part with air to create ozone they can bubble into water. But even if you do that. You’ll need a fan to cool both the tube and the transformer.

This 10g bare bones ozone generator sells for $60 delivered. We also offer volume discounts as follow:

2 for $110

3 for $160

4 for $210.

If you call in your order, we will ship USPS 2 day Priority mail. Otherwise. We ship USPS Parcel Post which takes around 4-6 days to deliver. If you have any questions. Just call us troll free 9-5 Central time at 888-989-8764. Thanks for your continued and have a Blessed Day!

2 Day Expedited Shipping. A $15 value. Now Free with Phone Orders*!

2 Day Expedited Shipping. A $15 value. Now Free with Phone Orders*!

Great! But what’s the asterisk all about? The caveat is that it’s free if you pay with a debit card (Visa or MasterCard.)

In the past 10 years. The banks have gotten us for over $60,000 in processing fees. I recently discovered CardX. A credit card processor that only charges 1% to process debit cards. It also passes the processing fee (around 3%) onto the customer in the form of a fee if they use a Credit Card and thus passes that fee onto the customer rather than the vendor. Many government and ticket selling agencies use their service. And many websites trying to lower their operating costs are jumping onboard. We’re not going to use them for Internet sales, but we will use them moving forward on all phone orders. The choice to use a Debit or Credit card will be left up to our customers. Either way. Call in your order and you’ll get a free upgrade to same day shipping via 2 day USPS Priority mail. I see this as a win-win for both us and the customer. And a big L for the bankers who have been fleecing us for years.

Ozone Shock Treatments a “Must Do” this Time of Year.

Ozone Shock Treatments a “Must Do” this Time of Year.

There are several reasons why performing ozone shock treatments in unoccupied spaces during this time of year is a ‘must do.’

  1. We spend more time indoors during the fall/winter. At the same time, we close our structures shut, quit keeping screened windows open to let in fresh air. This means the air inside is up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. A weekly ozone shock treatment can, however, can sanitize your indoor air and rid it of molds, bacteria, viruses, odors, chemicals, and VOCs.
  2. We tend to have family and friends over to visit more this time of year. Everyone sheds dead skin and whatever ‘funk’ they bring with them. It’s a good idea to shock your air after any visitation. If they cough or sneeze, you can get rid of whatever micro-pathogens they introduced to your living space.

Those are the two main reasons why I believe everyone should perform weekly ozone shock treatments during the winter months. The reason they call this the cold and flu season isn’t because cold temperatures make us sick. On the contrary. Our immune system benefits from having us suffer a little cold weather. The reason people get sick is that indoor air is ten times more polluted than outdoor air. I also recommend you run your HVAC system in the ‘on’ position 24/7 during the winter and change your HVAC filter every 3 weeks (it will turn black) to ensure your lungs aren’t breathing in that somewhat toxic dust floating around. (Better the filter turn black than our lungs, right?) You can pick up MERV 11 filters on ebay for about $6 a filter (vs $25 at Walmart or Lowes) Just buy a carton of 12 and save!

Benefits of Ozone Shock Treatments in Classrooms at Night

Benefits of Ozone Shock Treatments in Classrooms at Night

We’ve consulted with educators in several Southern States where mold issues, in mostly older schools, threaten both teacher and student and our ozone machines have blessed everyone with better health, and test scores. Sadly, this has to be done on the down low and paid for by the teachers themselves. They set our 10g ozone generators to go off for two hours in the middle of the night when nobody is around. We recommend 1 AM to 3 AM. The next morning, both teachers and students are welcomed by fresh, clean, bacteria, mold, and virus free air. And oh what a blessing that is to their wellbeing and ability to learn/teach!

The people in charge don’t care about our health. They live in gated communities with private security guards. Their homes feature the top of the line in duct HVAC cleaning and sanitizing systems. The food they eat, which of course they don’t have to prepare, is organic and top of the line. Only the best for our elected officials! But you and I? They couldn’t care less. (unless there is a kickback or something in it for them, lol) We have to fend for ourselves. And that’s why smart teachers are turning to nightly ozone shock treatments to sanitize their work area and provide a healthier environment for them and their kids. The only study I can find on this subject was from 100 years ago in St Louis MO. It found that not only did sick days go down, test scores went up by simply performing nightly ozone shock treatments in the school via their HVAC system.

Mold is a serious issue in many parts of our county. You’d think that more would be done to protect our children and teachers. If your child goes to school in an older school in a humid area, you might want to share this article with their teacher, or better yet, gift them one of our ozone generators to turn on in the middle of the night to sanitize and purify the air when nobody is present.

New Mite and Virus Killing Products

New Mite and Virus Killing Products

The US gov doesn’t like ozone. They however allow industry to utilize milder oxidizers (made my chemical companies near and dear to the Intl Corps hearts) like Hypochlorous Acid which is said to be harmless to humans but very effective at killing surface viruses. The good news is that HOCL also kills mites! And it’s safe to spray into your eyes, nose, and ears. Even your lungs. It’s a great solution for those who suffer from the types of mites that take up shop in the eyes, ears, and nose (heaven forbid, it’s a nightmare) .

Read my last blog post for a multi-tiered approach at addressing a mite infestation that also includes these two new products we sell (as an ‘add-on’ product; for sale with purchase of an ozone generator). I’ve been using this HOCL fogging gun for months now. I use it to spray down my bed, pillows, and car from time to time (during an ozone shock treatment usually) I’ve also sprayed it into my eyes, nose, and ears to make sure it’s safe (before recommending it to my customers) and so far, all good! It smells a little like hydrogen peroxide which is also a mild oxidizer. I’ve also used it to nebulize hydrogen peroxide and to spray that into my eyes, ears, and nose with no problems. I was starting to get nose congestion a few weeks ago and this seemed to make it go away fast. I’m happy to add this to my ‘anti bad guy’ arsenal and happy to offer this product to Forever Ozone customers. Enjoy! I know you will!

Click product picture to go to product page
Click product picture to go to product page
Tired of Mites? Behold. A ‘Final Solution’ that is 100% Effective vs Mites.

Tired of Mites? Behold. A ‘Final Solution’ that is 100% Effective vs Mites.

If any biological application in this matrix is worthy of having a ‘final solution’ conjured up that leads to the 100% eradication of this annoying, life disrupting pest, it is biting mites! They were no doubt spawned in hell. The measure of their creation is to steal the peace and health of humans. Based on the evidence (they only attack certain hosts in an environment), their seems to be a dark energy aura around these creatures and their mission to steal the peace and happiness of the victim/host. For these reasons. I am always looking for new solutions that work vs mites. This post is to share the latest.

I have hundreds of customers who have used our ozone generators to eradicate a mite infestation. I’ve spent countless hours over the years going back and forth, gathering information on what works and what doesn’t, and listening. A kind female customer in Louisiana shared with me a protocol she said helped her get over the final hurdle in dealing with her mite infestation, killing the mites that take up shop in her eyes and ears. (disgusting, I know).

When you’re a host, certain types of mites will find refuge in your ears and eyes. The solution for these kinds of mites: Hypochlorous Acid + hand held fogger. (product page) You can buy directly from Amazon or from us if you don’t have Prime (we will sell at our cost if you also buy an ozone generator from us) The mist that comes out of this rechargeable misting gun can be sprayed right into your eyes, ears, even lungs! This Hypochlorous Acid isn’t toxic to humans, but it is toxic to mites, viruses, and bacteria. It’s much milder than ozone, only about 1/4 of the oxidizing power, but that’s enough to kill mites if you hit them with this mist again and again over a few hour period. Relief comes almost instantly, and if you keep up with it, and ozone shock your environment (and fog certain areas, in particular you couch and bed), you will discover this provides the final nail in your mite infestations coffin. Indeed a final solution to the problem!

Now that it’s getting warmer, I will add one last step that you can also employ. Heat and reducing humidity. Most mites require around 50% humidity to survive. And high heat is known to kill mites and bed bugs. So the Forever Ozone solution to mites also includes the use of a dehumidifier and heat in the mite killing process. Put a space heater in your bedroom when you go to work, along with a dehumidifier. Crank up the heat to over 100 if you can, and humidity to under 30%. Spray your bed with HOCL first. Then drop the temperature as low as you can and hit them for 30 minutes with ozone to finish up the process. This process will send these little demons back to the depths of hell for good! (If you’ve ever suffered an infestation, you’ll understand my wording)

HOCL Acid Hand Held Fogger. $45
Fill with HOCL Acid. Safe for Humans. Fatal for Mites
Here is the HOCL we recommend. Around $30 for a years supply
Why Forever Ozone is the best deal for an ozone generator.

Why Forever Ozone is the best deal for an ozone generator.

Why should you think twice before buying your ozone generator from Amazon or another vendor? Amazon and other vendors sells ceramic plate air ozone generators that are inferior to cold corona glass quartz tube air ozone technology we sell. Ceramic plate ozone generators run hot, and heat destroys ozone. Ceramic plate technology also suffers with humidity. The ozone output is reduced by the percentage of humidity. 50% reduces ozone production by 50%. 70% humidity levels means a 70% ozone production reduction. Every time. Guaranteed! That’s just the nature of the beast, and this is well known in the industry. Not so with UV or quartz tube technology however! Have you ever tried to price UV ozone generators? Jaw hit the floor however when you seen the prices? A 20g UV ozone generator cost over $2000! The reason we don’t charge that much is that our cost of goods is very low due to the fact we don’t have to advertise our products. We are the inventors and we have our electronic parts built to our specs meaning our products are built to last! That’s why we can offer a lifetime warranty. Another major difference between our products and Amazons. Their products seem to be built to crap out the minute the warranty expires. And ever try to cash in on one of their warranties? It’s a nightmare, and you end up paying shipping which sometimes is more than the product itself.

We’ve been in business over 10 years and have over 30,000 past customers. Amazon will never be able to offer the superior products we sell or provide the type of customer service we provide. Try to get an Amazon vendor to answer your ozone related questions! They’re just in it to make a quick buck. They don’t care about ozone. We do! So. To sum up. Enjoy the lower prices while they last. Gas prices will continue to rise, and that will cause everything to go up in cost over the coming year. Including ozone generators. And if things proceed as I see them progressing on the world stage? Then the entire supply chain will be disrupted and live as we knew it will have to change. So now is the time to get those things you’ll need to be your own doctor in the future.

Thanks again for your lasting support. God Bless! Mike

Importance of Breathing Sanitized Indoor Air for Respiratory Illness Suffers.

Importance of Breathing Sanitized Indoor Air for Respiratory Illness Suffers.

Every year, two things happen this time of year which causes a spike in respiratory illness (colds and the flu). One. The sun sets so deep in the sky here in the Northern Hemisphere that we don’t get enough vitamin D production. This causes our immune system to become compromised during the winter months and susceptible to respiratory illness. The second thing that happens is that we spend most of our days indoors. Indoors where the air we breathe is many times dirtier than outdoor air. This one-two punch is what causes the so-called ‘flu season.’ But this need not be.

If the entire world read my blog and bought my equipment, we wouldn’t have a flu season, lol. Everyone would supplement with vitamin D during the winter (and take immune system vitamins in general) and perform weekly ozone shock treatments in their home, as well as follow my other indoor air quality solutions found here in this blog. An ozone shock treatment will not only kill the surface viruses, molds, and bacteria, but they also rid the air of the dust mites (and their feces) which is the number one cause of polluted indoor air. (yuck!) (also see Dust mite feces cause that ‘old house’ smell that comes from 30 years of dead skin and dust mite poop floating around in grandpa’s house. Do him a favor and lend him your Foreverozone!

Our newest ozone shock treatment machines feature our humidity resistant quartz tubes that like UV ozone generators are 100% humidity resistant but unlike UV ozone generators are affordable (UV ozone generators cost over $1000) We may miss out on the residual replacement plate ozone plate purchases in the future. But guess what? That’s okay. There’s going to come a day when it’s hard to get replacement parts anyway, so why not make a machine now that is made to last 100 years without any replacement parts? The thought of having my machines around long into the future brings a smile to my face. Viva la resistance!

Mouthwash Kill Cold and Flu bugs in the throat. But Vodka kills it faster. Hear me out.

Mouthwash Kill Cold and Flu bugs in the throat. But Vodka kills it faster. Hear me out.

This recent headline caught the attention of my BS meter: “Mouthwash brands fight false Covid-19 claims after Republican senator claims it kills virus” Well. That’s what research studies suggest. Here are a few: Certain mouthwashes might stop covid-19 virus transmission Mouthwash can kill COVID-19 within 30 seconds of exposure in a laboratory, a new UK study revealed. Why? Other studies are suggesting covid and most ‘colds’ infect the lungs via the mouth and bad gums.

During the 1912 Pandemic, some people noticed that homeless alcoholics weren’t dying from the flu, despite living in terrible conditions. This lead a doctor I know to do a test to see what affect Vodka would have on Covid. He found that everyone who gargled with Vodka after getting a sore throat would quickly develop antibodies to the particular type of cold or flu bug that had set up shop in their throat, if they followed his protocol (His protocol also includes dealing with the nasal cavities) Vodka as you probably know is the main ingredient in hand sanitizer. It instantly kills 99.99% of any virus. That dead virus then finds its way into the blood via your gums or sub-lingually. You immune system then does it’s things. (You know what) And viola! No deep respiratory lung infection ensues. But don’t worry. He promised not to publish his findings. His findings are safe from going viral. He got the message. Pisses me off.

Mouthwash kills Covid in 30 seconds. Vodka kills it in under a second. Nuff said. You figure it out.

The people who run this world know this. They also know certain protocols and antiviral’s work. So then why do they insist on keeping this information repressed? Brainwashing people that nothing can stop Covid, so blow down to the lockdowns and mandates! Reason? It’s an AGENDA! I think any rationally thinking person knows this. So let’s stop pretending that 2+2=5, shall we?